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newbie purchasing a bike...need germ. help

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newbie purchasing a bike...need germ. help

Postby juliananaples » July 16th, 2009 8:00 pm

I am very much a newbie and tomorrow I will going to a women's flat to look at and probably purchase a bike from her. She speaks no English. She is a prison guard by vocation so I guess I feel a little extra pressure to get some phrases correct.

Can anyone translate the following?

"Can you show me how it folds?" (It's a folding bike)

"May I take it for a short ride?"

"Do you have the ------------ that go with it?" (the items are listed on the web page).

And if I get lost:

"I can't find your flat but can you meet me with the bike at..........."

"How mush does it cost? "(I know, I can't believe I don't know how to say this yet)

.... and any other helpful phrases that you can think of would be great.

veile danke!

New in Town
Posts: 3
Joined: August 21st, 2009 5:52 pm

Postby jenny » September 3rd, 2009 3:31 pm

Hi juliananaples,

It might be too late to help you but if you want to buy any other bikes in future, here are the translations of your phrases:

"Can you show me how it folds?"
-> "Können Sie mir zeigen, wie es sich falten lässt?"

"May I take it for a short ride?"
-> "Kann ich es kurz probe-fahren?"

"Do you have the ------------ that go with it?"
-> "Haben Sie auch die dazugehörigen ------ da?"

"I can't find your flat but can you meet me with the bike at..........."
-> "Ich finde Ihre Wohnung nicht, aber können wir uns mit dem Fahrrad ------(place) treffen?"

"How mush does it cost? "
--> "Wie viel kostet es?"


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