
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Upper intermediate, season 1, lesson 6. Sometimes, somehow, somewhere, somebody is going to watch a German movie something like this. Hello and welcome to germanpod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German.
Judith: I am Judith and thanks again for being here with us for this upper intermediate season 1 lesson.
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn the important range of words like sometime, somehow, someone, somewhere and so on.
Judith: This conversation takes place at Frank’s home.
Chuck: The conversation is between Frank Jones and Manuela, his German friend.
Judith: The speakers are friends. Therefore, they will be speaking informal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Manuela: Schön, dass du doch so schnell zu Hause warst…
Jones: Ja. Zum Glück stand der Bus nicht im Stau oder so…
Manuela: Oh ja….
Jones: Möchtest du irgendwas trinken?
Manuela: Ja, gerne. Hast du Sprudel?
Jones: Sprudel? Was ist das?
Manuela: Na, Wasser mit Kohlensäure…
Jones: Aah, ja natürlich. Ich hole es aus der Küche.
Manuela: Bringst du auch eine Schüssel für die Chips mit.
Jones: Ja, klar. Du kannst ja schon mal den Fernseher anmachen und die DVD einlegen.
Manuela: Okay….Mensch, dein Fernseher ist aber schon alt! Du musst dir irgendwann mal einen neuen Fernseher kaufen…
Jones: Ja, irgendwann. Aber noch funktioniert er sehr gut. …Hier ist dein Wasser und die Schüssel….
Manuela: Danke….Hmm, ich kann die DVD nicht finden….
Jones: Hast du sie zu Hause vergessen?
Manuela: Nein, sie muss hier irgendwo in meiner Tasche sein. Ich habe sie ja eben erst aus der Videothek ausgeliehen….Ah, hier ist sie!
Jones: Na dann mal los mit…. Was gucken wir eigentlich?
Manuela: Eine Komödie…Sie heißt “Eine Nacht bei McCools“…kennst du den Film?
Jones: Hmm, der Titel kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor…mal schauen….
Jones: Hmm, das sieht aber nach einem Horrorfilm aus. Ich dachte, es ist eine Komödie?
Manuela: Äh, ja….ich glaube, das ist der falsche Film!
Manuela: Nice, that you came home so quickly...
Jones: Yes. Luckily the bus didn't get stuck in traffic or anything like that...
Manuela: Oh yeah...
Jones: Would you like to drink something?
Manuela: Yes, gladly. Do you have Sprudel?
Jones: Sprudel? What's that?
Manuela: Well, water with carbonation...
Jones: Aah, of course. I'll pick some up from the kitchen.
Manuela: Could you bring a bowl for the chips too?
Jones: Yes, of course. You can already turn on the TV and put in the DVD.
Manuela: Ok... man, but your TV is old! You must buy yourself a new TV sometime...
Jones: Yeah, sometime. But it still works very well. ...Here is your water and the bowl...
Manuela: Thanks... Hmm, I can't find the DVD...
Jones: Did you forget it at home?
Manuela: No, it must be somewhere in my bag. I just rented it from the video store... ah, here it is!
Jones: Well then, let's get started with it... What are we watching, in fact?
Manuela: A comedy... it's called "A night at McCools"... do you know the movie?
Jones: Hmm, the title sounds familiar to me... we'll see...
Jones: Hmm, that looks like a horror film. I think, is it a comedy?
Manuela: Uh, yeah... I believe it's the wrong movie!
Judith: Okay so apparently Manuela thinks that Mr. Jones – well Frank really needs a new TV. I think it’s a perfect time to talk a bit about how open Germans are to getting new stuff.
Chuck: And it looks like Frank is very well adapting to Germany and having all the technology.
Judith: Yeah that’s one of the things that really amaze me when I go to the states. Everyone is so – the mentality, it is like new, automatic…
Chuck: Uh it’s new. I got to have it right now.
Judith: Yeah new automatically equals good and here if anything, there is the opposite. If there is something known and familiar, then it’s good. New things have to earn respect first and Germans.
Chuck: What’s an example of that?
Judith: Yeah, Germans are less open to new ideas and for example, when cell phones first appeared, then people didn’t adopt them for a while. First, there were some studies done about whether these waves could cause cancer or anything like that and when the studies found that these waves are pretty harmless, some two years after cell phones first appeared, then there was a huge boom and everyone adopting cell phones.
Chuck: You know, it’s pretty interesting because they had an extra few years to improve the technology and then Germans ended up having better cell phones than say Americans.
Judith: Well I don’t see the problem when you can buy better cell phones right now but I don’t know. Another effect of this mentality is that restaurants and other places are less likely to have a website in Germany.
Chuck: Also note that very few restaurants accept credit cards. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is
Judith: [Sprudel].
Chuck: Carbonated water.
Judith: [Sprudel, der].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Kohlensäure].
Chuck: Carbonation.
Judith: [Kohlensäure, die].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Schüssel].
Chuck: Bowl.
Judith: [Schüssel, die]. And the plural is [Schüsseln].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [einlegen].
Chuck: To put in.
Judith: [einlegen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Titel].
Chuck: Title.
Judith: [Titel, der] And the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [bekannt].
Chuck: Known or well known.
Judith: [bekannt]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Horrorfilm].
Chuck: Horror movie.
Judith: [Horrorfilm, der] And the plural is [Horrorfilme].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Komödie].
Chuck: Comedy
Judith: [Komödie, die]. And the plural is [Komödien].
Chuck: Next
Judith: [falsch].
Chuck: Wrong.
Judith: [falsch].
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase I want to look at is [eben erst].
Chuck: Only just now.
Judith: Yes, [eben] in this case is just now, [eben erst] and there is another expression that I’d like to teach. It was not in the dialogue but it’s really nice if you say [Ich glaube ich bin im falschen Film].
Chuck: This can’t be happening.
Judith: Yeah, literally I believe I am in the wrong movie but….like everything is suddenly going really wrong.
Chuck: [It´s cute].
Judith: [Ich glaube ich bin im falschen Film].

Lesson focus

Chuck: The grammar focus of this lesson are words starting with [irgend].
Judith: Yes. When you are talking about somebody, something, sometime, somewhere, this kind of word in German, then you need to prefix [irgend].
Chuck: Note that this prefix combines with various question words to form indefinite words that it can save you when you don’t remember enough German words.
Judith: Yeah for example, there is [irgendjemand].
Chuck: Somebody or colloquial [irgendwer].
Judith: Yes. [irgendwer] is just as popular to say [irgendwer] like [irgendwer hat seine Schuhe hier vergessen] same as [Irgendjemand hat seine Schuhe hier vergessen] and there is [irgendetwas].
Chuck: Something.
Judith: Or colloquially [irgendwas, irgendwo].
Chuck: Somewhere.
Judith: [irgendwohin].
Chuck: To some place
Judith: [irgendwann].
Chuck: Some time.
Judith: [irgendwie].
Chuck: Somehow. That’s not the end of it though. This dialogue featured [irgendwelcher] some or any.
Judith: [irgendwelche] is the plural of [irgendein].
Chuck: Some or any. Can you give examples on how to use those?
Judith: Yeah: [Irgendein Dummer wird sich schon finden lassen].
Chuck: Some stupid person to keep this unwanted task done will be found.
Judith: [Irgendwelche Dummen lassen sich schon finden].


Chuck: Some stupid people will be found. That just about does it for today. Okay some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on germanpod101.com
Judith: Line by line audio.
Chuck: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Judith: By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Chuck: Listen until every word and syllable becomes clear.
Judith: Listen to the dialogue in bite size sentences.
Chuck: And understand it all.
Judith: Try the line by line audio at germanpod101.com.
Chuck: All right great. See you next week.
Judith: [Also bis nächste Woche]!

