
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here, upper intermediate season 1 lesson 25. German holidays. Hello and welcome to Germanpod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German.
Judith: I’m Judith and thanks again for being here with us for this upper intermediate season one lesson.
Chuck: This is our last lesson.
Judith: Well not our very last lesson but the last lesson of this upper intermediate series.
Chuck: You’ve learned a lot, you should now be ready to start on the advanced video blogs.
Judith: Try season three of the advanced audio blogs or the upcoming ones.
Chuck: Or you can try the very first season of intermediate lessons that we ever recorded.
Judith: The first season of intermediate lessons is based on German songs. So it should contain some interesting new vocabulary for you if not the grammar is new.
Chuck: Germanpod101 still has a lot to offer you.
Judith: What shall we learn in this lesson?
Chuck: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about a vacation.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a German office.
Chuck: The conversation is between Mrs. Bayer and Mr. Jones.
Judith: The speakers are colleagues and friends, therefore they’ll be speaking informal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jones: So das war‘s! Ich wünsch Ihnen alles Gute, Frau Bayer!
Bayer: Was?! Haben Sie gekündigt?
Jones: Nein, keine Sorge. Ich habe nicht gekündigt. Ich habe ab morgen Urlaub.
Bayer: Ach so. Mensch, Sie haben mich aber erschreckt! Ich dachte schon, wir arbeiten hier Tag für Tag zusammen und Sie erzählen mir nicht, dass Sie hier aufhören!
Jones: Oh, tut mir leid. Das wollte ich nicht. Ich freue mich nur so, weil ich ab morgen im Urlaub bin!
Bayer: Wohin fahren Sie denn?
Jones: Ich werde zwei Wochen durch Europa reisen und mir verschiedene Städte angucken. Schritt für Schritt durch Europa also.
Bayer: Wow, das hört sich interessant an. Und welche Städte besuchen Sie?
Jones: Also zuerst fliege ich nach Amsterdam und Paris. Danach geht es noch nach Wien und Prag und dann wieder zurück nach Berlin.
Bayer: Wow, das ist ja eine tolle Route! Dann sehen Sie nach und nach viele tolle Städte.
Jones: Ja, ich hoffe doch, dass sie toll sind. Waren Sie schon in einer dieser Städte?
Bayer: Ich war in Amsterdam, in Wien und in Paris. Aber ich habe die Städte einzeln besucht, eine nach der anderen.
Jones: Und welche Stadt fanden Sie am besten?
Bayer: Hmm, Paris!
Jones: Aaah, die Stadt der Liebe…haha….
Bayer: Haha, ja!
Jones: So that's it! I wish you all the best, Mrs. Bayer!
Bayer: What?! Did you quit?
Jones: No, don't worry. I didn't quit. I have vacation starting tomorrow.
Bayer: Oh. Man, you scared me! I thought, we work here together day by day, and you didn't tell me that you quit!
Jones: Oh, sorry. I didn't want that. I'm just looking forward to being on vacation tomorrow!
Bayer: So, where are you going?
Jones: I'm travelling for two weeks through Europe to check out various cities. So step by step through Europe.
Bayer: Wow, that sounds interesting. And which cities are you visiting?
Jones: First I'm flying to Amsterdam and Paris. After that, continuing to Vienna and Prague, and then back to Berlin.
Bayer: Wow, that's quite a nice route! Bit by bit, you'll see a lot of cool cities.
Jones: Yeah, I hope so. Have you been to any of those cities?
Bayer: I've been to Amsterdam, Vienna, and Paris. But I visited them each individually, not one after the other.
Jones: And which city did you like the best?
Bayer: Hmm, Paris!
Jones: Aaah, the city of love, haha...
Bayer: Haha, yeah!
Judith: Okay, maybe it’s time to talk a bit about vacation. We are going to vacation soon. What about Germans on vacation?
Chuck: The most popular holiday destination for Germans is Myakka an island in the Mediterranean sea.
Judith: Yes, well this is for those who are craving sun and booze. There’s also northern Italy or the Garda Lake. They are also popular for the same reason.
Chuck: If you want a cheaper vacation you can go to [Balkonien]
Judith: [Balkonien] It’s what you call the holiday destination of the people who can’t afford to go anywhere but they do as if they were tourists in their own city.
Chuck: So they sit in their Balcony.
Judith: Yes. And of course in the winter people go to the Alps no matter if German Alps, Austrian Alps, Swiss Alps, whatever.
Chuck: And Germans like to travel abroad even outside the EU if they can afford to. The situation like in the USA where the majority of the population doesn’t even have a passport, it’s unimaginable. Well you just have to remember that Germany is a comparatively smaller country.
Judith: Yes, there are two annoying habits of Germans on a holiday. One is that they claim patches from the beach or the beach chairs by putting a towel up there in the morning and then they leave for breakfast or whatever.
Chuck: Another characteristic is that they can’t cope with relaxed schedules such as people or public transport being more than twenty minutes late on average.
Judith: Yes, everything has to be on schedule but in [in Ordnung]
Chuck: You can imagine how they deal with train systems in other countries. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is;
Judith: [Urlaub]
Chuck: Vacation.
Judith: [Urlaub, der]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [erschrecken]
Chuck: To frighten or scare.
Judith: [erschrecken]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [aufhören]
Chuck: To stop.
Judith: [aufhören]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Schritt]
Chuck: Step.
Judith: [Schritt, der] and the plural is [Schritte]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [danach]
Chuck: Afterwards.
Judith: [danach]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Route]
Chuck: Route.
Judith: [Route, die]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [nach und nach]
Chuck: By and by or bit by bit.
Judith: [nach und nach]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [einzeln]
Chuck: Single, individually or separately.
Judith: [einzeln]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Liebe]
Chuck: Love.
Judith: [Liebe, die]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases for this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase we’ll look at is [alles Gute]
Chuck: Roughly the same as “wish you all the best”.
Judith: It’s a general thing that you can say at birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries and so on.If you don’t know the specific expression that the occasion calls for [alles Gute] is never wrong. And we should also look at the [denn] in [wohin fahren Sie denn]?
Chuck: It doesn’t mean “then” in this case.
Judith: Yes in fact I’d translate it as [so] like so where are you going? It’s an invitation to say more. [wohin fahren Sie denn] and finally [eine nach der anderen] means after the other. It’s almost like in English except you have to adjust this expression while the gender of the implied noun so the cities [die Stadt] say [eine nach der anderen] but for men you’d have to say [einer nach dem anderen] and for things you’d have to say [eins nach dem anderen] is also an idiom, meaning that people should slow down and finish one thing first.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The grammar focus for this lesson is graduality.
Judith: Today let’s look at how to express graduality in German. Things like day by day, month after month, year after year. In most cases, Germans use the word [für] to connect words this way. Like [Tag für Tag]
Chuck: Day by day.
Judith: [Woche für Woche]
Chuck: Week after week.
Judith: [Monat für Monat]
Chuck: Month after month.
Judith: [Jahr für Jahr]
Chuck: Year after year.
Judith: This also applies to the expression [Schritt für Schritt].
Chuck: Step by step.
Judith: However it does not apply to [nach und nach] is a set expression meaning by and by, bit by bit and as you’ve heard it’s irregular because there’s an [und] in the middle [nach und nach].


Chuck: That just about does it for today.
Judith: Get instant access to all of our language learning lessons
Chuck: With any subscription and certainly access our entire library of audio and video lessons.
Judith: Download the lessons or listen and watch online.
Chuck: Put them on your phone or another mobile device and listen, watch and learn anywhere.
Judith: Lessons are organized by level so progress in order one level at a time
Chuck: Or skip around to different levels. It’s up to you.
Judith: Instantly access them all right now at germanpod101.com.
Chuck: So this concludes this season of upper and intermediate lessons. Thank you for joining us.
Judith: Don’t forget to check out the audio blogs. [Auf Wiedersehen].
Chuck: Goodbye.

