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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here, upper intermediate season 1 lesson 18. Sushi will improve your German.
Judith: Hi, my name is Judy and I’m joined here by Chuck.
Chuck: Hello everyone and welcome back to Germanpod101.com
Judith: What are we learning today?
Chuck: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about your food preferences.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a German cafeteria.
Chuck: The conversation is between Frank Jones and Mrs. Bayer.
Judith: The speakers are colleagues, therefore they will be speaking formal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Bayer: Oh, sehen Sie Herr Jones, es sind Japan-Wochen in der Mensa!
Jones: Und was heißt das?
Bayer: Das heißt, es gibt japanische Gerichte zu essen.
Jones: Hmm, Sie meinen Sushi?
Bayer: Ja, zum Beispiel. Aber es gibt ja noch anderes Essen in Japan als Sushi.
Jones: Na da bin ich ja froh, denn Sushi mag ich gar nicht…
Bayer: Was? Sie mögen kein Sushi? Ich liebe Sushi!
Jones: Igitt, nein! Ich mag es nicht, wenn der Fisch, den man isst, so glitschig ist.
Bayer: Hmm, und wie ist es mit Miso-Suppe?
Jones: In Miso-Suppe schwimmen doch Tofu und Algen, oder?
Bayer: Ja genau.
Jones: Hm, nein danke. Das ist auch nichts für mich.
Bayer: Hmm, na dann gibt es hoffentlich noch andere Gerichte, die Sie mögen!
Bayer: Sehen Sie Herr Jones, es gibt auch gegrillten Aal mit Reis.
Jones: Hmm, Aal mag ich aber auch nicht besonders gerne…
Bayer: Was mögen Sie denn überhaupt für Essen?
Jones: Lachs mag ich zum Beispiel sehr gerne.
Bayer: Na Sie Glückspilz. Es gibt auch gegrillten Lachs mit Reis.
Jones: Ha, und ich dachte schon, ich müsste mich heute von den Schokoriegeln ernähren, die bei uns im Büro liegen!
Bayer: Oh, take a look Mr. Jones, it's Japan-week in the cafeteria!
Jones: And what does that mean?
Bayer: It means that there's Japanese food to eat.
Jones: Hmm, you mean sushi?
Bayer: Yes, that's one example. But there are actually other types of food in Japan besides Sushi.
Jones: Well, that makes me happy, because I really don't like sushi.
Bayer: What? You don't like sushi? I love sushi!
Jones: Yuck, no! I don't like it when the fish that one eats is so slippery.
Bayer: Hmm, what about miso soup?
Jones: That's the soup with the tofu and seaweed, right?
Bayer: Yes, exactly
Jones: Hm, no thanks. That's just not my thing.
Bayer: Hmm, well then hopefully there's some other dish that you like!
Bayer: Look, Mr. Jones, there's also barbecued eel with rice.
Jones: Hmm, I don't really like eel that much either.
Bayer: What do you like to eat, then?
Jones: I like salmon quite a lot, for example.
Bayer: You lucky devil, there's also barbecued salmon with rice.
Jones: Ha, for a minute there I thought I'd have to live on the chocolate bars in our office!
Judith: Alright, a whole list about sushi but you didn’t expect that from germanpod101.
Chuck: Are we based in Japan?
Judith: No. Based in Berlin, but sushi is perhaps the most common Asian food in Berlin.
Chuck: It is true. There’s a lot of foreign restaurants in Berlin including some really exotic ones like Cubans, Sri Lankan, Nepali or Georgian food.
Judith: Yes, Mexican food is cheap and is readily available but it’s not authentic at all. Mostly Germans are Turkish people are preparing the food. There are not nearly enough Mexicans in Germany to fuel the demand for tacos, burritos, nachos and salsa because these have become the fashion and we are not bordering Mexico so…
Chuck: I did find one authentic Mexican restaurant but I guess you have to [??] about that.
Judith: Keep it a secret?
Chuck: Yes.
Judith: There is also Thai food. Thai food is so popular in Berlin that even your neighborhood nice Chinese restaurant will offer a few Thai dishes and you will find frozen readymade Thai dishes in the supermarket.
Chuck: Oh and Mango Lassi, an Indian kind of mango milkshake is available in not just the Indian restaurants but in just about every Asian restaurant and you might even find it in some Turkish ones.
Judith: Yes it’s crazy, it’s taking Berlin by storm. All these trends are specific to Berlin though or at least big cities. In other parts of Germany, particularly in smaller towns, you can only get Italian, Turkish, European, nice Chinese and possibly some Balkan food.
Chuck: It was funny we once went to a Korean restaurant that was like in a smaller city, outside of Berlin or quite a distance from Berlin actually and my friend asks, “hey why aren’t you getting your Mango Lassi?” And she had to say, “because we are not in Berlin, we don’t have it here”. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is,
Judith: [froh]
Chuck: Glad
Judith: [froh]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [igitt]
Chuck: Yuck or Eeew.
Judith: [igitt]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Fisch]
Chuck: Fish.
Judith: [Fisch, der] and the plural is [Fische]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [glitschig]
Chuck: Slick, slippery or greasy.
Judith: [glitschig]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Tofu]
Chuck: Tofu.
Judith: [Tofu, das]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Alge]
Chuck: Algae.
Judith: [Alge, die] and the plural is [Algen]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [hoffentlich]
Chuck: Hopefully.
Judith: [hoffentlich]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [grillen]
Chuck: To grill or have a barbecue.
Judith: [grillen]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Aal]
Chuck: Eel.
Judith: [Aal, der] and the plural is [Aale].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Lachs]
Chuck: Salmon.
Judith: [Lachs, der] and the plural is [Lachse].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Glückspliz]
Chuck: Lucky bastard or lucky devil.
Judith: [Glückspilz, der] and the plural is [Glücksplize]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Schokoriegel]
Chuck: Chocolate bar or candy bar.
Judith: [Schokoriegel, der] and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [ernähren]
Chuck: To nourish, sustain or live off of.
Judith: [ernähren]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases for this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase is [Das ist nichts für mich.
Chuck: That’s not my thing.
Judith: So literally that’s nothing for me. [Das ist nichts für mich] that’s not my thing. And then we have [Glückspilz].
Chuck: Lucky mushroom.
Judith: Yes that’s true. [Pliz] is mushroom [Glückspilz] but it means lucky devil or something like that. I also wanted to talk about [ernähren], exists in two forms. If it comes with an object then it means to nourish someone but with a reflexive pronoun, it means to subsist or live off of so [ernähren] is to live off. [Ich ernähre mich nur von Sushi] means I only live off sushi.
Chuck: The focus of this lesson is relative clauses part one.

Lesson focus

Judith: German relative clauses are formed with either the relative pronouns [welcher, welche, welches] or with the plain definite articles which have acquired the same function. In fact the vast majority of relative clauses are now formed with [der, die, das] acting as relative pronouns.
Chuck: The clauses work in the same way as they do in English, the only difficulty is that the relative pronoun must show the same cases with the replacers.
Judith: For example if you say [Das ist der Mann, den ich liebe], this relative clause could be written as a whole sentence as [Ich liebe den Mann] and [den Mann] is a causative so the relative pronoun is [den] and it’s a causative as well, hence it [der Mann, den ich liebe] instead of [der Mann, der ich liebe] that would sound weird. [der Mann, den ich liebe].
Chuck: In English this is essential between who I love and whom I love. But in German these relative pronouns can have any case and any gender that the definite article can match. Judith, do you have any more examples?
Judith: Yes, let’s always think of these sentences as two separate sentences and then combine them so you see how it’s done. For example you have [Ich kenne den Mann] and [der Mann singt dieses Lied] so you start with [Ich kenne den Mann] and then [der dieses Lied singt] because its [der Mann, der dieses Lied singt] if you put the words the other way around, [der Mann singt dieses Lied] and [Ich kenne diesen Mann] so [Der Mann, den ich kenne, singt dieses Lied] and maybe one of the feminine nouns [Er sieht die Frau. Er hat der Frau geholfen].
Chuck: Can I try this one?
Judith: Sure.
Chuck: [Er sieht die Frau, der er geholfen hat].
Judith: Yes the key is that the second sentence includes [der Frau] so [die Frau, der] and then [der er geholfen hat].


Chuck: Yaaaay that just about does it for today.
Judith: Get instant access to all of our language learning lessons.
Chuck: With any subscriptions, access the entire library of audio and video lessons.
Judith: Download the lessons or listen or watch online.
Chuck: Put them on your phone or another mobile device and listen, watch and learn anywhere.
Judith: Lessons are organized by level so progress in order one lesson at a time.
Chuck: Or skip around to different levels, it’s up to you.
Judith: Instantly access them all right now at germanpod101.com.
Chuck: So see you next week.
Judith: [Also bis nächste Woche]!

