Hello and welcome to German Survival Phrases brought to you by germanpod101.com, this course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Germany. |
You will be surprised at how far a little German will go. |
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German Survival Phrases. Lesson 55, Be On Time with this German Phrase. |
No matter where you are, you will always have some place to be. |
Today, we will look at a question that will give you the tools to find out how much time you have left to get there. |
We will also give you the tools to understand. |
In German, what time is it is [Wie spät ist es] Let’s break it down by syllable [Wie spät ist es] Now let’s hear it once again [Wie spät ist es] The first word [Wie] means how or what. |
Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time [Wie] This is followed by the adjective [spät] which in English is late. |
[late] and [spät] Then you have the word [ist] which means is. |
Let’s see it one more time [ist] Finally we have [es] it. |
So altogether we have [Wie spät ist es] Literally this means, how late is it and we translate it as what time is it. |
Now that we know how to ask for the time, let’s see if we can learn more about the hours. |
Hours in German is [Stunden] but you will never listen to this word while asking for the time. |
When talking about hours of clock, you can either just say the number or you can say it with [Uhr] a clock. |
So let’s try it. |
1 o’ clock [ein] or [ein Uhr] 2 o’ clock [zwei] or [zwei Uhr] 3 o’ clock [drei] or [drei Uhr] 4 o’ clock [vier] or [vier Uhr] 5 o’ clock [fünf] or [fünf Uhr] 6 o’ clock [sechs] or [sechs Uhr] 7 o’ clock [sieben] or [sieben Uhr] 8 o’ clock [acht] or [acht Uhr], 9 o’ clock [neun] or [neun Uhr], 10 o’ clock [zehn] or [zehn Uhr], 11 o’ clock [elf] or [elf Uhr], 12 o’ clock [zwölf] or [zwölf Uhr]. |
Let’s cover how to answer now. |
In German, at the question [Wie spät ist es] you answer [Es ist] and then the time. |
Let’s see it one more time [Es ist sechs Uhr] Let’s try it with 6 o’ clock. |
It’s 6 o’ clock in German is [Es ist sechs Uhr] Let’s break it down by syllable [Es ist sechs Uhr] and now let’s see it one more time [Es ist sechs Uhr] You are familiar with the first two words [Es ist]. |
In English, they mean it is or short it’s. |
Let’s break them down by syllable and hear them one more time [Es ist] and [Es ist] Then you have the time, that is the number [sechs] 6. |
Let’s break down this word and hear it once again [sechs] and finally you have [Uhr] which is the word for a clock [Uhr] Altogether we have [Es ist sechs Uhr] It’s good to know the hours but we also need to know the minutes. |
So let’s go over minutes here. |
Minutes in German is [Minuten] Let’s break it down by syllable [Minuten] In German, you first say the number of hours followed by a clock [Uhr] and then the number for minutes. |
For example, it’s 3:20 in German is [Es ist drei Uhr zwanzig] It’s 5:55 [Es ist fünf Uhr fünfundzwanzig] It’s 8:34, [Es ist acht Uhr vierunddreißig] Note that in German, double digit numbers are spoken from back to front. |
For example 34 [vierunddreißig] Literally this means 4 and 30 or in other example, 48 [achtundvierzig] Literally this means 8 and 40 and here are the expressions for midday and midnight. |
It’s midday in German is [Es ist Mittag] and it’s midnight is [Es ist Mitternacht] Lastly quarter in German is [Viertel]. |
So it’s quarter after 2 in German can also be [Es ist Viertel nach zwei]. |
In this case, we don’t use [Uhr] a clock [Es ist Viertel nach zwei] literally means it is quarter after 2. |
Okay to close our today’s lesson, we would like you to practice what you’ve just learned. |
I will provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for shouting it out aloud. |
You have a few seconds before I give you the answer. |
So [Viel Glück] which means good luck in German. |
What time is it [Wie spät ist es] it’s 3:20 [Es ist drei Uhr zwanzig] it’s 5:55 [Es ist fünf Uhr fünfundfünzig] it’s 8:34 [Es ist acht Uhr vierunddreißig] it’s midday [Es ist Mittag] it’s midnight [Es ist Mitternacht] it’s quarter past 2 [Es ist Viertel nach zwei] That’s going to do it for today. |