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Hello and welcome to German Survival Phrases brought to you by germanpod101.com, this course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Germany.
You will be surprised at how far a little German will go.
Now before we jump in, remember to stop by germanpod101.com and there you will find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post.
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German Survival Phrases. Lesson 40, Using the Post Office in Germany Part II
Welcome to the second and final installment of the post office II part series.
Today we are going to work on getting your package one step closer to its intended destination.
In the previous lesson, we discussed the phrase, I would like to send this package to Vancouver which was [Ich nöchte dieses Packet nach Vancouver schicken] Let’s break it down by syllable [Ich nöchte dieses Packet nach Vancouver schicken] Again the location is interchangeable.
When sending a package to a foreign country though, you will have to explain what’s in the package.
You may even be asked by one of the postal employees what’s in the package which in German is [Was ist im Packet drin] Let’s break it down by syllable.
[Was ist im Packet drin] And now let’s hear it once again [Was ist im Packet drin] The first word [Was] means what.
Let’s hear it once again [Was].
This is followed by [ist] which in English means [is].
It’s the third person singular form of the verb [sein] to be.
Let’s hear it once more.
[ist] This is followed by [im] which is German for in the and then we have [Packet] which you already know, package.
Finally you have [drin] which is a colloquial adverb instance for [darin] in it.
Let’s hear this word one more time.
[drin] So altogether we have [Was ist im Packet drin] Literally this means, what is in the package in it and we translate it as what’s in the package.
If you want to be sure to name all the things you are sending correctly, bring a dictionary.
You might need it when the clerks ask about the content.
Another way in which you can be asked what’s in the package is [Was beeinhaltet das Packet] which literally means what does the package contain.
Let’s break it down by syllable [Was beinhaltet das Packet] The first word [Was] means what [beinhaltet].
Then you have [beinhaltet] contains.
It’s the third person singular form of the verb [beinhalten] to contain.
Let’s break down this word and hear it again [beinhaltet].
Finally, you have [das] definite article for neuter nouns meaning [the] and [Paket] meaning package.
Altogether, we have [Was beinhaltet das Packet] which literally means, what contains the package but it is translated as what’s in the package.
Please remember that even in Germany as in many other countries, there are some rules for things you can or you cannot send.
So you can learn about these issues visiting the German post website on www.deutschepost.de
Okay to close our today’s lesson, we would like you to practice what you’ve just learned.
I will provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for shouting it out aloud.
You have a few seconds before I give you the answer.
So [Viel Glück] which means good luck in German.
I would like to send this to Vancouver [Ich möchte das nach Vancouver schicken] What’s in the package [Was ist im Packet drin] what does the package contain [Was beinhaltet das Packet]
That’s going to do it for today.

