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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know German Social Media Phrases Season 1, Lesson 10 - Feeling Disappointed.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Clara: And I'm Clara.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in German about being disappointed. Franziska feels disappointed about today's weather, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Clara: Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: Meaning - "When is it finally summer?" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Franziska: Wann ist endlich Sommer?
(clicking sound)
Cem: Ich komme gerade aus dem Urlaub. Irgendwo ist immer Sommer.
Andreas: Am Wochenende soll es schön werden!
Lisa: Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Meer!
Tanja: Es wird jeden Tag heller!
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Franziska: Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: "When is it finally summer?"
(clicking sound)
Cem: Ich komme gerade aus dem Urlaub. Irgendwo ist immer Sommer.
Eric: "I just got back from vacation. It is always summer somewhere."
Andreas: Am Wochenende soll es schön werden!
Eric: "It is supposed to be nice at the weekend!"
Lisa: Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Meer!
Eric: "Summer, sun, beach and sea!"
Tanja: Es wird jeden Tag heller!
Eric: "It is getting lighter every day!"
Eric: Listen again to Franziska's post.
Clara: Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: "When is it finally summer?"
Clara: (SLOW) Wann ist endlich Sommer? (Regular) Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: Let's break this down. Listen to the expression meaning "When is it finally summer?"
Clara: Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: This is a very common expression used by many people, especially towards the end of winter or during spring.This is a rhetorical question, used to express the poster’s negative feelings regarding the weather. It is not actually asking when summer starts. Listen again- "When is it finally summer?" is...
Clara: (SLOW) Wann ist endlich Sommer? (REGULAR) Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: Let’s listen to that phrase again - "When is it finally summer?"
Clara: Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: Many German people think that summer is the best season and that it is too short, and not hot enough. Temperatures can vary anywhere between 15 to 35 degrees celsius and it is not very consistent. One day might be hot and sunny, the next cool and rainy. Summer is seen as a time to get outdoors, go swimming or have BBQs. The long evenings, when it gets dark at around 9pm in the middle of summer, are enjoyed because during the long winter there is not much sunshine and it gets dark in the afternoon. Listen again- "When is it finally summer?" is...
Clara: (SLOW) Wann ist endlich Sommer? (REGULAR) Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: One more time, "When is it finally summer?"
Clara: Wann ist endlich Sommer?
Eric: In response, Franziska's friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her college friend, Cem, uses an expression meaning - "I just got back from vacation. It is always summer somewhere."
Clara: (SLOW) Ich komme gerade aus dem Urlaub. Irgendwo ist immer Sommer. (REGULAR) Ich komme gerade aus dem Urlaub. Irgendwo ist immer Sommer.
Clara: Ich komme gerade aus dem Urlaub. Irgendwo ist immer Sommer.
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling frivolous.
Eric: Her supervisor, Andreas, uses an expression meaning - "It is supposed to be nice at the weekend!"
Clara: (SLOW) Am Wochenende soll es schön werden! (REGULAR) Am Wochenende soll es schön werden!
Clara: Am Wochenende soll es schön werden!
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling positive.
Eric: Her high school friend, Lisa, uses an expression meaning - "Summer, sun, beach, and sea!"
Clara: (SLOW) Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Meer! (REGULAR) Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Meer!
Clara: Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Meer!
Eric: Use this expression to be funny.
Eric: Her neighbor, Tanja, uses an expression meaning - "It is getting lighter every day!"
Clara: (SLOW) Es wird jeden Tag heller! (REGULAR) Es wird jeden Tag heller!
Clara: Es wird jeden Tag heller!
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being disappointed, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Clara: Tschüss!

