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Learn German words about Halloween
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Welcome to Holiday Weekly words. This is Alisa, let’s start. Today’s topic is Halloween and All Saints’ Day. |
Halloween/Allerheiligen. Halloween /All Saints' Day. |
So in Germany, Halloween and All Saints' Day is on October 31st and November 1st. |
[An Halloween und Allerheiligen haben die meisten Deutschen frei.] On Halloween and All Saints' Day, most Germans are off. |
[Striezel] It looks like a Cake bread type and it’s actually braided. |
So it kind of looks like a braided bread and you can have different sweets, like cinnamon or raisins and usually in Germany, it’s sold on during the All Saints' holiday and at the bakeries. |
[Der Striezel wird normalerweise am Allerheiligentag gegessen.] The striezel is usually eaten on All Saints' Day. |
[die Kostüme] is costume. |
[Die Kostüme] is actually plural, so the singular form is [das Kostüm] |
[Dieses Jahr möchte ich ein Meerjungfraukostüm tragen.] This year, I want to have a mermaid costume. |
[stiller Feiertag] Quiet holiday. |
[In einigen Bundesländern ist der Allerheiligentag ein stiller Feiertag.] In few states, All Saints' Day is a quiet holiday. |
[Süßes oder Saures] Trick or treat |
[Wenn Kinder an Halloween von Tür zu Tür gehen, sagen sie in Deutschland "Süßes oder Saures".] Yeah, when kids go from door to door on Halloween, they actually say trick or treat, but in German [Süßes oder Saures] translated, means “sweet or bitter”. So the kids yell like sweet and bitter and you know, you can choose obviously what to give them. So that’s what kids say. [Süßes oder Saures!] |
Thank you for watching the weekly words holiday version Halloween and All Saints' day. Leave me in the comments what was your greatest or scariest experience on Halloween, and don’t forget to subscribe. See you soon, bye. |
We have Pumpkin soup, Pumpkin bread, Pumpkin cake, Pumpkin this and Pumpkin that. |