Lesson Transcript

In the next minute, you’ll be challenged to use essential social expressions.
First, let’s look at some examples.
Ben Lee: Entschuldigung.
Paul Peters: Ja?
Paul Peters: Danke.
Ben Lee: Bitte.
Paul Peters: Entschuldigung...
Ben Lee: Kein Problem.
Let's practice!
Katrin lässt ein Taschentuch fallen. Du siehst es. Ruf ihr nach!
Du sagst Katrin die Uhrzeit. Sie dankt dir. Antworte ihr.
Katrin stößt aus Versehen mit dir zusammen. Sie entschuldigt sich. Antworte ihr.
How did you do?
You can consider this practice exercise successful if you were able to answer in the given time, and used a proper expression, as in the following example.
Ben Lee: Kein Problem.
Try this practice exercise again if you want to improve your fluency or skill in any of these areas.
To learn more vocabulary and phrases, and see example sentences you can use in real-life situations, access our Can Do video series by clicking the link in the description!

