Danke. |
In the next minute, you’ll be challenged to use essential social expressions. |
First, let’s look at some examples. |
Ben Lee: Entschuldigung. |
Paul Peters: Ja? |
Paul Peters: Danke. |
Ben Lee: Bitte. |
Paul Peters: Entschuldigung... |
Ben Lee: Kein Problem. |
Let's practice! |
Katrin lässt ein Taschentuch fallen. Du siehst es. Ruf ihr nach! |
Ja? |
Du sagst Katrin die Uhrzeit. Sie dankt dir. Antworte ihr. |
Danke. |
Katrin stößt aus Versehen mit dir zusammen. Sie entschuldigt sich. Antworte ihr. |
Entschuldigung... |
How did you do? |
You can consider this practice exercise successful if you were able to answer in the given time, and used a proper expression, as in the following example. |
Ben Lee: Kein Problem. |
Try this practice exercise again if you want to improve your fluency or skill in any of these areas. |
To learn more vocabulary and phrases, and see example sentences you can use in real-life situations, access our Can Do video series by clicking the link in the description! |