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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Intermediate Season 4, Lesson 23 – “A Visit to the German Police – Part 2”.
Judith: Hello everyone, I’m [Judith] and welcome to GermanPod101.com
Chuck: With us you’ll learn to speak German with fun and effective lessons.
Judith: We also provide you with cultural insights.
Chuck: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give a detailed report.
Judith: This conversation takes place at the German police station.
Chuck: The conversation is between Joe and a female police officer.
Judith: The speakers are meeting in an official capacity therefore they’ll be speaking formal German.
Chuck: On our last lesson, Joe lost his iPhone and just reported it to the police. Let’s listen to the continuation of this conversation.
Polizistin: Was haben Sie gemacht, als Sie festgestellt haben, dass Sie Ihr iPhone nicht mehr haben?
Joe: Ich dachte, dass ich es vielleicht irgendwo liegen gelassen habe, oder dass es aus der Jacke gefallen ist. Deshalb bin ich den Weg noch einmal abgegangen, und habe auch bei der Anmeldung noch einmal geguckt.
Polizistin: Haben Sie die Organisatoren der Konferenz gefragt, ob jemand ein iPhone gefunden hat?
Joe: Ja, und ich habe auch heute Morgen noch einmal nachgefragt, weil ich dachte, dass sie es vielleicht beim Saubermachen finden würden. Aber da war nichts.
Polizistin: Wieso denken Sie jetzt, dass Ihr iPhone gestohlen wurde?
Joe: Ich habe heute eine E-Mail von meinem Telefonanbieter gekriegt, dass ich mein Guthaben verbraucht habe. Das bedeutet, dass jemand gestern Nachmittag oder heute Morgen mit meinem Handy viel telefoniert haben muss. Ich hatte noch mehr als 15 Euro Guthaben.
Polizistin: Ja, entweder er hat viel telefoniert, oder er hat teure Nummern angerufen...
Joe: Genau.
Polizistin: Es ist möglich, dass er Ihr Handy gefunden hat und nicht gestohlen, aber ich glaube es nicht. Jedenfalls ist das nicht das Verhalten eines ehrlichen Finders.
Joe: Stimmt.
Polizistin: Wir werden eine Anzeige gegen unbekannt erstatten. Wenn wir den Täter oder Ihr iPhone finden, geben wir Ihnen Bescheid.
Joe: Danke.
Police: What did you do when you realized that you didn't have your iPhone anymore?
Joe: I thought that I had perhaps left it somewhere, or that it had fallen out of the jacket. Therefore I retraced my steps and also took another look at registration.
Police: Did you ask the conference organizers if anyone had found an iPhone?
Joe: Yes, and I also checked again this morning, because I thought that they would perhaps find it during cleanup. But there was nothing there.
Police: Why do you now think that your iPhone was stolen?
Joe: I received an email today from my telephone service provider saying that I've used up all my credit. That means that someone must have made a lot of calls with my cell phone yesterday afternoon or this morning. I still had more than 15 euros of credit.
Police: Yes, either he made a lot of calls, or called expensive numbers...
Joe: Exactly.
Police: It's possible that he found your cell phone rather than stole it, but I don't think so. In any case, that's not the behavior of an honest person.
Joe: That's true.
Police: We'll file a complaint against persons unknown. If we find the perpetrator or your iPhone, we'll let you know.
Joe: Thanks.
Judith: Okay, maybe a little bit about German’s legal system?
Chuck: Sure, sounds good. Well, for example everyone has an ID card.
Judith: Yes, you have to be able to identify yourself at all times, but on the other hand there’s more data privacy in Germany. People are a lot more aware of it, there are going to lost for it and yeah, simply more awareness.
Chuck: Stating companies are not allowed to keep your data unlimited.
Judith: They also can’t tap your phone, search your house or arrest you without a reasonable suspicion. This means they very often need a court order or they can be challenged in court.
Chuck: You’ll also notice that prostitution is legal. Well, under some sort of conditions. For example, not by minors or new minors.
Judith: Yes and hate crimes are treated more harshly. For example, wearing Nazi symbols, making racist comments, calling for violence, all of these will get you in jail really fast.
Chuck: And owning a gun is illegal unless you have a special license.
Judith: That’s perhaps the biggest difference compared to America.
Chuck: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Chuck: The first word we shall look at is?
Judith: [feststellen]
Chuck: “To determine” or “realize”.
Judith: [feststellen, feststellen] and the [fest] splits off.
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [fallen]
Chuck: “To fall”.
Judith: [fallen, fallen] the forms are [Er fällt, Er fiel, Er ist gefallen]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Organisator]
Chuck: “Organizer”.
Judith: [Organisator, der Organisator] this is masculine and the plural is [Organisatoren]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [nachfragen]
Chuck: “To demand” or “inquire”.
Judith: [nachfragen, nachfragen] and the [nach] splits off.
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [sauber]
Chuck: “Clean”.
Judith: [sauber, sauber]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [bedeuten]
Chuck: “To signify” or “mean”.
Judith: [bedeuten, bedeuten]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [jedenfalls]
Chuck: “In any case”.
Judith: [jedenfalls, jedenfalls]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Verhalten]
Chuck: “Behavior” or “attitude”.
Judith: [Verhalten, das Verhalten] this is neutral and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [ehrlich]
Chuck: “Honest, truthful” or “honestly”.
Judith: [ehrlich, ehrlich]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Finder]
Chuck: “Finder”.
Judith: [Finder, der Finder] and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [unbekannt]
Chuck: “Unfamiliar” or “unknown”.
Judith: [unbekannt, unbekannt]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [erstatten]
Chuck: “To refund” or “to file”.
Judith: [erstatten, erstatten]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Täter]
Chuck: “Cooperate” or “offender”.
Judith: [Täter, der Täter] – masculine and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase we’ll look at is [den Weg abgehen]
Chuck: “To walk along in check”, “Go back in forth” as in Joe visiting the way he took to the opening speech.
Judith: [Den Weg abgehen] Then, we have [sauber machen]
Chuck: “To clean”.
Judith: [sauber] is the adjective “clean” and [machen] is “to make”, so [*] is “to clean”. And finally, there’s a phrase [Jemand muss viel telefoniert haben]
Chuck: “Somebody has to have used the phone a lot.”
Judith: [telefoniert haben] takes the place of “to have used the phone”, Jjemand muss viel telefoniert haben]

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is common irregularly predator past forms.
Judith: Generally, only common verbs have irregular forms.
Chuck: Once a verb become less common, people don’t use it often enough in order to reinforce the regularity.
Judith: An example is the word [backen]
Chuck: “To bake”.
Judith: The past tense used to be [buck], however since the number of people baking stuff has gone down in the last century, few people have to communicate that someone has baked something yesterday, people forgot about this irregularity. Now, everyone says [backte].
Chuck: Let’s look at some really common irregular forms. Almost all of these are irregular in English, too.
Judith: [sein]
Chuck: “To be”.
Judith: [Er ist, Er war, Er ist gewesen, haben]
Chuck: “To have”.
Judith: [Er hat, Er hatte, Er hat gehabt, werden, Er hat, Er hatte, Er hat gehabt]
Chuck: “To become”.
Judith: [Er hat, Er hatte, Er hat gehabt, mögen]
Chuck: “To like”.
Judith: [Er mag, Er mochte, Er hat gemocht, wissen]
Chuck: “To know”.
Judith: [Er weiß, Er wusste, Er hat gewusst, lassen]
Chuck: “To let”.
Judith: [Er lässt, Er ließ, Er hat gelassen]
Chuck: And here are some commonly prefix verbs.
Judith: Like [kommen]
Chuck: “To come”.
Judith: [Er kommt, Er kam, Er ist gekommen, gehen]
Chuck: “To go”.
Judith: [Er geht, Er ging, Er ist gegangen, sehen]
Chuck: “To see”.
Judith: [Er sieht, Er sah, Er hat gesehen, geben]
Chuck: “To give”.
Judith: [Er gibt, Er gab, Er hat gegeben, nehmen]
Chuck: “To sake”.
Judith: [Er nimmt, Er nahm, Er hat genommen, finden]
Chuck: “To find”.
Judith: [Er findet, Er fand, Er hat gefunden]
Chuck: In our vocabulary list in our word bank tool, you’ll always find the past tense and perfect tense of every verb, even if it’s just another prefix version of another verb.
Judith: This way you can learn the forms along with the verbs.


Chuck: Well that just about does it for today.
Judith: Looking for a word definition?
Chuck: Find exactly what you’re looking for with the instant word finder. Search the word dictionary in the right top corner of our site, to find the word you’re looking for in English or German.
Judith: We’ll also display related audio lessons in our archive.
Chuck: Add the word directly to your word bank.
Judith: And drill yourself with my wordbank flashcards.
Chuck: Go to GermanPod101.com and try it now! So, see you next week!
Judith: [Also bis nächste Woche]!

