
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here, intermediate season 3 lesson 18.Your German, horoscope predicts.
Judith: Hi my name is Judith and I’m joined here by Chuck.
Chuck: Hello everyone and welcome back to germanpod101.
Judith: What are we learning today?
Chuck: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about horoscopes in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a German office.
Chuck: The conversation is between Mr. Jones and Mrs. Bayer.
Judith: The speakers are colleagues, therefore they’ll be speaking formal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jones: Guten Morgen, Frau Bayer.
Bayer: Morgen Herr Jones. Wie war Ihr Wochenende?
Jones: Ach, es war sehr schön. Ich habe den Reichstag und das Bundeskanzleramt besichtigt.
Bayer: Und war es interessant?
Jones: Ja, ich habe viel gelernt. Und wie war Ihr Wochenende?
Bayer: Ach, mein Wochenende war okay, aber diese Woche wird bestimmt super!
Jones: Woher wissen Sie das?
Bayer: Ich habe eben in der Zeitung mein Horoskop gelesen. Da steht, ich werde diese Woche von jemandem beschenkt werden! Und meine Arbeit wird anerkannt werden.
Jones: Oh, das hört sich natürlich super an! Glauben Sie denn an Horoskope?
Bayer: Wenn etwas Gutes darin steht, dann ja! Und Sie?
Jones: Haha, ja ich glaube auch nur an gute Horoskope. Lesen Sie mir bitte mein Horoskop vor!
Bayer: Natürlich. Welches Sternzeichen sind Sie?
Jones: Ich bin Zwilling.
Bayer: Okay. Also, diese Woche bringt Veränderungen mit sich. Sie werden im Beruf mit neuen Tätigkeiten beauftragt werden.
Jones: Oh, na das passt ja. Und privat?
Bayer: Privat bleibt es ruhig, aber vielleicht ist es die Ruhe vor dem Sturm.
Jones: Hmm, okay. Steht noch etwas in meinem Horoskop?
Bayer: Ja. Ihr Motto für diese Woche - "Schenke und du wirst beschenkt werden!"
Jones: Oh, also werden wir beide diese Woche beschenkt werden!
Bayer: Haha, ja, aber Sie müssen mir zuerst etwas schenken, bevor Sie etwas bekommen!
Jones: Haha…
Jones: Good morning, Mrs Bayer.
Bayer: Morning Mr Jones. How was your weekend?
Jones: Oh, it was very nice. I visited the Reichstag and the chancellor's building.
Bayer: And was it interesting?
Jones: Yes, I have learned a lot. And how was your weekend?
Bayer: Oh, my weekend was okay, but this weekend will surely be super!
Jones: How [from where] do you know that?
Bayer: I just read my horoscope in the newspaper. There it is written that I will be given a present this week! And my work will be appreciated.
Jones: Oh, that sounds great of course! So do you believe in horoscopes?
Bayer: If it says something good, then yes! And you?
Jones: Haha, yes I also only believe in good horoscopes. Please read me my horoscope!
Bayer: Of course. What is your zodiac sign?
Jones: I'm Gemini.
Bayer: Okay. So this week brings changes. You will be assigned new tasks at work.
Jones: Oh, well that is fitting. And in private?
Bayer: Private life remains calm, but maybe it is the calm before the storm.
Jones: Hmm, okay. Is there anything else in my horoscope?
Bayer: Yes. Your motto for this week - "Give a present and you shall be given a present!"
Jones: Oh, so both of us will be given a present this week!
Bayer: Haha, yes, but you first have to give me a present before you get anything!
Jones: Haha…
Judith: Okay, I think this is the perfect occasion to talk about horoscopes and to read a German horoscope you first have to know what your sign is.
Chuck: In German the signs of the zodiac do not retain their Latin names. They are translated to a German equivalent.
Judith: Yes so, let’s go over the signs. The first one is [Widder]
Chuck: Aries.
Judith: Yes and [Widder] is also the word for Ram. Then we have [Stier]
Chuck: Taurus.
Judith: Yes or it’s also the word for bull. Then [Zwillinge]
Chuck: Gemini, also the word for twins.
Judith: And [Krebs]
Chuck: Cancer or a crab.
Judith: Next one is [Löwe]
Chuck: Leo also means a lion.
Judith: [Jungfrau]
Chuck: Virgo, or can also mean a virgin.
Judith: [Waage]
Chuck: Libra or is a scale.
Judith: Yes, actually the Latin Libra means scale but as I said, they are always translated. [Skorpion]
Chuck: Scorpio or well that means a scorpion.
Judith: [Schütze]
Chuck: Sagittarius or a shooter.
Judith: Then [Steinbock]
Chuck: Capricorn or a mountain goat.
Judith: [Wassermann]
Chuck: Aquarius or a waterman.
Judith: And finally, [Fische]
Chuck: Pisces or fish.Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is;
Judith: [Horoskop]
Chuck: Horoscope.
Judith: [Horoskop, das] and the plural is [Horoskope]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [jemand]
Chuck: Somebody.
Judith: [jemand]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [beschenken]
Chuck: To give something as a gift.
Judith: [beschenken] and the important thing is that this must not have a causative object. You do not say, what is given.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [anerkennen]
Chuck: To accredit, appreciate, acknowledge or recognize.
Judith: [anerkennen] the forms are [Er erkennt an, Er erkannte an, Er hat anerkannt]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Sternzeichen]
Chuck: Starsign or zodiac sign.
Judith: [Sternzeichen, das] and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Zwilling]
Chuck: Twin or Gemini.
Judith: [Zwilling, der] and the plural is [Zwillinge]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Veränderung]
Chuck: Change
Judith: [Veränderung, die] and the plural is [Veränderungen]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [privat]
Chuck: Private or privately.
Judith: [privat]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [ruhig]
Chuck: Calm or tranquil
Judith: [ruhig]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Ruhe]
Chuck: Tranquility or calm.
Judith: [Ruhe, die]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Sturm]
Chuck: Storm.
Judith: [Sturm, der] and the plural is [Stürme]
Chuck: Next
Judith: [Motto]
Chuck: Slogan or motto.
Judith: [Motto, das] and the plural is [Mottos]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [schenken]
Chuck: To give as a gift.
Judith: [schenken] and this verb requires a causative object of what is given unlike [beschenken]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [zuerst]
Chuck: First or at first.
Judith: [zuerst]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word is [Morgen] if you say it as a greeting then it’s an abbreviated form of [Guten Morgen] it’s more colloquial that way. It’s even more colloquial if you slur it to something like [Morgn] or [Morjn] but that wouldn’t be written down. Also note the popular greeting [Moin, Moin] is understood by some to be a variation of [Morgen] but actually it’s a distinct word and it’s used as a greeting throughout the day in Germany’s coastal areas. Next we have [das steht]
Chuck: Literally that means “there stands” but it usually means it’s written there.
Judith: Yes and [Das hört sich gut an]
Chuck: That sounds good.
Judith: This is an expression [Das hört sich gut an]
Chuck: That hears itself [Das hört sich gut an]
Judith: That hears itself [Das hört sich gut an] that’s literal.
Chuck: That doesn’t sound very good. Oh well.
Judith: You are not supposed to translate.
Chuck: I know.
Judith: It sounds good. Now lastly I wanted to….
Chuck:How do you say “lobster to that”?
Judith: [Das hört sich nicht gut an]
Chuck: Ah that’s where the [gut] goes.
Judith: Yes [nicht gut] as in not good. That’s how you say it. Now lastly the difference between [schenken] and [beschenken].[schenken] requires you to specify what is being given, even if you have to say [etwas] if you are not sure you can say [Ich schenke dir etwas] but [beschenken] only requires a [dich, Ich beschenke dich] other words with a non-separable [be] work the same.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is the future passive. In lesson thirteen and sixteen, we already used the passive voice in German.
Judith: The passive is formed by using the verb [werden] with the past participle as in [Er wird gesehen].
Chuck: He’s seen. When you want to use another tense in the passive, for example the past tense, then you basically have to pretend that [werden] is the main verb. Put that in the right tense and then add the past participle forum of the real verb.
Judith: So [Er baute das Museum]
Chuck: He built the museum
Judith: Becomes [Das Museum wurde gebaut] or [Das Museum wurde von ihm gebaut]
Chuck: The museum was built, well by him. Now let’s look at the future tense. Normally the future tense consists of the conjugated auxiliary [werden] and the main verb in the infinitive. For example
Judith: [Er wird das Museum bauen]
Chuck: He will build the museum.
Judith: For a passive, applying the rule that we mentioned above, we would first form the future tense of [werden] which is [werden werden] with the rest of the sentence in between. It’s funny really, but then we add the past participle of the real verb [bauen] the past participle is [gebaut] so we get [wird gebaut werden] with the rest of the sentence in between [wird] and [gebaut]
Chuck: could you give me an example?
Judith: Yes our example phrase was [Das Museum wird gebaut werden] or [Das Museum wird von ihm gebaut werden]
Chuck: The museum will be built by him. Yes, that shows the future passive works for every verb. One conjugated form of [werden] one past participle verb and any infinitive [werden]


Judith: Yes. That just about does it for today.
Chuck: So stop by germanpod101.com and pick up the lesson notes.
Judith: It has the conversation transcripts,
Chuck: Vocabulary, sample sentences and grammar explanation.
Judith: And a cultural insights section.
Chuck: Singing in German,
Judith: Really helps you remember faster.
Chuck: Don’t take our word for it, please have a look for yourself.
Judith: And let us know what you think.
Chuck: So see you next week.
Judith: [Also bis nächste Woche]!

