Lesson Transcript

Let's practice.
Imagine you're Ben Lee. Jonas introduces himself, but you can’t catch his name.
Ask him to repeat it using informal German.
Freut mich. Ich heiße Jonas.
Entschuldigung, kannst du das wiederholen?
Listen again and repeat.
Entschuldigung, kannst du das wiederholen?
Entschuldigung, kannst du das wiederholen?
Let's try another.
Imagine you're Jonas. Karen Lee introduces herself, but you can’t catch her name.
Use formal German.
Freut mich. Ich heiße Karen.
Entschuldigung, können Sie das wiederholen?
Listen again and repeat.
Entschuldigung, können Sie das wiederholen?
Entschuldigung, können Sie das wiederholen?
Let’s try one more.
Imagine you're Jonas. Ask Sasha Lee to speak more slowly.
Freut mich. Ich heiße Sasha.
Entschuldigung, kannst du langsamer sprechen?
Listen again and repeat.
Entschuldigung, kannst du langsamer sprechen?
Entschuldigung, kannst du langsamer sprechen?
If you can’t catch something someone says, you can say, wie bitte? "Pardon?" Wie bitte?
This is the end of this lesson.
Remember, these Can Do lessons are about learning practical language skills.
What's next?
Show us what you can do.
When you're ready, take your assessment.
You can take it again and again, so try anytime you like.
Our teachers will assess it, and give you your results.
Now you know how to ask for clarification in Polish — in particular by asking people to speak more slowly and repeat what they’ve said. That's all there is to it.
Keep practicing — and move on to the next lesson!

