Vocabulary (Review)

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Let's take a closer look at the conversation.
Note: the speakers in this conversation use informal German.
Do you remember how Karla asks,
"Is this your family?"
Ist das deine Familie?
Let's start with the word, Familie, "family." Familie. Familie.
In German, all nouns have grammatical gender and are either singular or plural. Familie is feminine and singular — a fact which will determine the form of other words in the sentence.
Before Familie is deine, meaning "your." Deine. Deine.
Deine is feminine and singular to agree with Familie.
All together, deine Familie. "Your family." Deine Familie.
Moving to the start of the sentence, ist, "is," as in "Is this…" Ist. Ist.
Ist is from the verb sein, meaning "to be." Sein.
Next is das, "this," in this context. Das. Das.
All together, it’s Ist das deine Familie? "Is this your family?"
Ist das deine Familie?
Note the rising intonation of the sentence to indicate that it’s a question.
Ist das deine Familie?
Remember this question. You’ll hear it again later.
Let's take a closer look at the response.
Do you remember how Ben says,
"Yes. This is my family. My father, my mother, my sister and me."
(pause 8 seconds)
Ja. Das ist meine Familie. Mein Vater, meine Mutter, meine Schwester, und ich.
This starts with the expression, ja, meaning "yes." Ja. Ja.
It answers Karla’s yes-or-no question, "Is this your family?"
Ist das deine Familie?
After this, Ben points to the picture, and says, Das ist meine Familie.
"This is my family."
Let’s start with Familie, "family." Familie.
Do you remember the gender and number of Familie?
Feminine and singular.
Before this is meine, meaning "my." Meine. Meine.
Meine is feminine and singular to agree with Familie.
Together, meine Familie translates as "my family." Meine Familie.
Moving to the start of the sentence, Das, "this." Das.
Next is ist, "is." Ist.
Ist is from the verb sein. "To be." Sein.
All together, Das ist meine Familie. "This is my family." Das ist meine Familie.
After this is mein Vater, "my father." mein Vater.
Vater, "father." Vater. Vater.
Vater is masculine and singular.
Before this is Mein, "my." Mein.
Mein is masculine and singular to agree with Vater.
Mein Vater.
Next is meine Mutter. "My mother." Meine Mutter.
Let's start with Mutter, "mother." Mutter. Mutter.
Mutter is feminine and singular.
Before this is Meine. "My." Meine.
Meine is feminine and singular to agree with Mutter.
Meine Mutter.
Next is meine Schwester, "my sister." Meine Schwester.
Schwester, "sister." Schwester. Schwester.
Schwester is feminine and singular.
Before this is Meine. "My." Meine.
Meine is feminine and singular to agree with Schwester.
Meine Schwester.
Next is und, "and." Und. Und.
And last is ich, which translates as "me" in this context. Ich. Ich.
All together, Das ist meine Familie. Mein Vater, meine Mutter, meine Schwester und ich. "This is my family. My father, my mother, my sister, and me."
Das ist meine Familie. Mein Vater, meine Mutter, meine Schwester und ich
The pattern is
To use this pattern, simply replace the {FAMILY MEMBER} placeholders with the members of your family.
Note: this pattern requires a noun preceded by the corresponding possessive adjective.
Imagine your family members are your father, your mother, your brother and you.
Bruder is "brother." Bruder. Bruder.
Bruder is masculine and singular. Therefore, "my brother" is mein Bruder. Mein Bruder.
"This is my family. My father, my mother, my brother, and me."
Das ist meine Familie. Mein Vater, meine Mutter, mein Bruder, und ich.
"This is my family. My father, my mother, my brother, and me."
Das ist meine Familie. Mein Vater, meine Mutter, mein Bruder, und ich.
Mutter, "mother," and Vater, "father," are formal terms for parents. In German, you may hear children and teenagers referring to parents using more casual language: Mama, "mom," and Papa, "dad."
Das ist meine Familie. Mein Papa, meine Mama, mein Bruder, und ich.

