
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: This is Beginner series, Lesson 4.
Judith: [Willkommen zurück]
Chuck: Welcome to the second season of GermanPod101’s beginner series. Here we study modern German in the fun and educational format.
Judith: So brush up on the German that you started learning long ago or start learning today.
Chuck: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Judith, what will we learn in this lesson?
Judith: Today we will learn some useful verb expressions but that’s in the grammar section. First we have a dialogue and I think you had an important announcement Chuck.
Chuck: Yes [Achtung!] Attention listeners! Comment, comment and comment some more! It’s easy and asking questions really helps improve progress.
Judith: Okay now let’s listen to the dialogue. This dialogue is again a continuation of the last one. You may remember the last dialogue ended with a question. So we will hear that question again and then move on to the new stuff.
P: Denken Sie, dass an der Spree Verbrechen passieren?
M: ...
P: Ja oder nein?
M: In jeder Stadt gibt es Verbrechen, auch in Berlin... Entschuldigung, warum bin ich hier? Stehe ich unter Arrest?
P: Nein.
M: Dann lassen Sie mich bitte gehen.
Judith: Now it’s slowly.
P: Denken Sie, dass an der Spree Verbrechen passieren?
M: ...
P: Ja oder nein?
M: In jeder Stadt gibt es Verbrechen, auch in Berlin... Entschuldigung, warum bin ich hier? Stehe ich unter Arrest?
P: Nein.
M: Dann lassen Sie mich bitte gehen.
Judith: Now with the translation.
P: Denken Sie, dass an der Spree Verbrechen passieren?
P: Do you think that crimes happen at the Spree?
M: …
M: ...
P: Ja oder nein?
P: Yes or no?
M: In jeder Stadt gibt es Verbrechen, auch in Berlin... Entschuldigung, warum bin ich hier? Stehe ich unter Arrest?
M: In every city there is crime, also in Berlin... Excuse me, why am I here? Am I under arrest?
P: Nein.
P: No.
M: Dann lassen Sie mich bitte gehen.
M: Then please let me go.
Chuck: Wait a minute! This is [stehe ich unter Arrest?]. Literally do I stand under arrest?
Judith: Yes exactly. That’s how we say it in German.
Chuck: That phrase might prove useful.
Judith: Why? You are planning to commit a crime in Germany.
Chuck: Of course not but you never know when you will be talking to the police.
Judith: Let’s do some vocabulary. First word [oder]
Chuck: Or
Judith: [oder] Next [in]
Chuck: In or into.
Judith: The next word is [every]
Chuck: Every
Judith: [jeder] Next [Stadt]
Chuck: Town or city.
Judith: Next [es gibt]
Chuck: There is or there are
Judith: [es gibt]
Chuck: There is or there are.
Judith: Next [Entschuldigung]
Chuck: Excuse me
Judith: [Entschuldigung, Entschuldigung] Next [Stehen]
Chuck: Stand
Judith: [Stehen, Stehen] Next [Unter]
Chuck: Under
Judith: [Unter]
Chuck: Under
Judith: Next [Arrest]
Chuck: Arrest
Judith: Next [Dann]
Chuck: Then
Judith: Next [Lassen]
Chuck: Let
Judith: [Lassen, Lassen] Next [Mich]
Chuck: Me
Judith: [Mich, Mich] Next [Bitte]
Chuck: Please
Judith: [Bitte, Bitte].
Judith: Okay cultural section coming up. For today, how about we talk about the different legal systems here in Germany.
Chuck: Alright sounds good.
Judith: One thing that you probably know is that everybody has an ID card in Germany. So when you want to travel within Europe, you can immediately do so. You don’t need to apply for a passport and when you want to drink Alcohol or buy cigarettes, you can also just show your ID and you don’t need to carry a driver’s license or anything.
Chuck: Yeah driver’s license, it is actually just a piece of paper nah?
Judith: Well now it’s a card just like the other but it’s not valid as an ID. If you want to prove your age or something, you might not get accepted.
Chuck: It’s actually a strange concept to Europeans that the driver’s license would also be an ID card.
Judith: That’s why I am telling you to carry your passport around and not just your ID around, I mean your driver’s license.
Chuck: Anyway, there is more data privacy here and more awareness about the privacy issues in general I would say.
Judith: Umm yes definitely. The state and also companies are not allowed to keep your data unlimited. If some company does it when they are not allowed, then you will always read about it in the news. It’s very important for us to data just not to get summarize like in one big database. That’s what makes it so hard to accept to go to the states and you have to sign a form. The US government is allowed to save this data for 15 years. What? I haven’t done a crime.
Chuck: Yeah and also the government also can tap your phone or search your house or arrest you without reasonable suspicion which I believe was also the way it was in the states about 9 years ago.
Judith: Yeah. The thing is that America has been a leader in that sense. The German government has also tried to pass these kind of regulations and new laws in the past 9 years but it’s still that way that if you think that the police didn’t have any reasonable suspicion against you, then you can challenge them or challenge anything in court.
Chuck: This is also where a lot of Europeans think it’s just absurd that when you go to the States that they can take anything they want from you without any suspicion at all without any reason. Your computer or laptop, PDA everything.
Judith: I think the thing is that here in Germany, people are just a lot more skeptical about the government. Another thing that is very different in Germany and the States is that, over here it’s pretty much illegal to own a gun or any kind of dangerous weapon unless you have a special license and these licenses are not easy to come by. So it’s also just something you can’t just bring to Germany.
Chuck: Any way, despite the topic of the series, there is not a reason to be afraid of crime in Germany. There is actually 75% less murders per capita in Germany than in the USA. I think it is also that you don’t have the really poor here like you do in the States.
Judith: Well it is welfare.
Chuck: Yeah but the welfare isn’t as comprehensive in the States.
Judith: Yeah.
Chuck: It is much less money and it is also not as long. It is limited.

Lesson focus

Judith: Let’s do some grammar. The first item is [Es gibt]
Chuck: There is or there are.
Judith: This is a very useful expression and it’s particularly [easy] in German because it’s the same for there is and there are. There is only one translation [Es gibt]. For example, [Es gibt viel Geld in Deutschland]
Chuck: There is a lot of money in Germany.
Judith: And similarly, we can say [Es gibt viele Städte in Deutschland]
Chuck: There are many cities in Germany.
Judith: So first, there is a lot of money and there are a lot of cities [Es gibt] and even in questions, [Gibt es hier englische Bücher?]
Chuck: Are there English books here.
Judith: Second thing that they want to talk about is the [Lassen].
Chuck: Let
Judith: Yes for example [Lassen Sie mich gehen]
Chuck: Let me go.
Judith: And you can make it a bit more polite by saying [Lassen Sie mich bitte gehen]
Chuck: Please let me go.
Judith: Or [Lassen Sie mich arbeiten]
Chuck: Let me work
Judith: The bitte makes it more nice and last thing for today is the [Ich bin] we saw briefly in the conversation.
Chuck: I am
Judith: Yes [Ich bin] means I am. [Lets stop it here, das wars für heute]
Chuck: And that literally means that was it for today. Doesn’t it?
Judith: Yes [Das wars für heute] but we still want to tell you about the most powerful tool on germanpod101.com


Chuck: That is the line by line audio.
Judith: Yes. It’s the perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension because you can listen to the lines of the conversation again and again.
Chuck: And that way, you don’t have to hear my silly interludes. So you can listen until every word or syllable becomes clear. Basically we break down the dialogue into comprehensible bite size sentences to listen to.
Judith: You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at germanpod101.com
Chuck: And while you are there, don’t forget to leave a comment. See you next week.
Judith: Or maybe earlier for the accent improvement series. Bis dann.

