Chuck: This is Advanced Focus Lesson 2. |
Judith: Willkommen! |
Chuck: This is already the second of these special lessons and again we will help you understand the German prefix. |
Judith: This will allow you to quickly expand your vocabulary and also improve the confidence with which you’ll use these words. But, didn’t we forget something? |
Chuck: Forget what? |
Judith: [Wir sollten Deutsch sprechen]! |
Chuck: The stamp. If you find it difficult to follow when we speak German, go to back to, study more lessons and work with the review tracks. |
Judith: The review tracks really force you to activate your German. |
Chuck: [Also weiter auf Deutsch]! |
Judith: [Heute gucken wir uns die Vorsilbe “an” an]. |
Chuck: That’s funny. |
Judith: The prefix [an] is our topic today. |
Chuck: [Das ist eine sich abspaltende Vorsilbe, oder]? This prefix is one of those that split off. |
Judith: Yeah. [Zum Beispiel “ankommen” bildet: Ich komme an, Du kommst an, u.s.w.] |
Chuck: [Also was bedeutet diese Vorsilbe]? |
Judith: [Es gibt mehrere Bedeutungsfelder, das erste ist ein “sich annähern”]. |
Chuck: A sense of approaching or getting closer to something. |
Judith: [Zum Beispiel “ansehen”]. |
Chuck: “To look at”. And what is coming closer can it reattach itself. |
Judith: [Wie in “Anbau”]. |
Chuck: “An extension to a building”. |
Judith: [Oder auch “annähen”]. |
Chuck: “To attach something by sewing”. |
Judith: [Die meisten Wörter beziehen sich jedoch auf eine Person, die diese Aktion erdulden muss]. |
Chuck: Somebody who has to suffer this action. |
Judith: [anbellen]. |
Chuck: “To bark at”. |
Judith: [anbeten] |
Chuck: Well, [beten] is “to pray” and [anbeten] is “to pray to somebody”, to adore him. |
Judith: [anklagen] |
Chuck: [klagen] is “to complain”, and [anklagen] is “to complain about a particular person” that is to accuse him. |
Judith: [anerkennen] is “to know”, [erkennen] is “to recognize” and [anerkennen] is “to recognize something publicly to somebody” that is to acknowledge. |
Chuck: Doesn’t all start to make sense now? [Ich mag auch das Wort angreifen, greifen] is “to grab” and [angreifen] is “to grab something that isn’t yours” that is to attack. |
Judith: [Das stimmt]! |
Chuck: So, I hope that you’ll attack German vocabulary with a fever now and learn many new useful words with [an]. |
Judith: [Die Vorsilbe kommt wirklich oft vor und sie wird euch helfen]! |
Chuck: [Ihr könnt jetzt auf] [gehen und dort Vokabeln üben]! |
Judith: [Sehr gute Idee, Chuck]! The word bank is [toll]! |
Chuck: So, see you there! |
Judith: [Bis nächstes Mal]! |