
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here, Absolute Beginner Season 2 Lesson 9, Have a German Present! Hello and welcome back to GermanPod101.com the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German. I’m joined in the studio by...
Judith: Hello, everyone. Judith here.
Chuck: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to offer and accept presents in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place at the Schneider family home during dinner.
Chuck: The conversation is between Paul, Mr. Schneider and Mrs. Schneider.
Judith: The speakers don’t know each other well. Therefore, they would be speaking formal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Chuck: Ich habe ein Geschenk für Sie. Hier.
Judith: Oh, danke. … Wir haben aber kein Geschenk für Sie.
Chuck: Das brauchen Sie auch nicht. Ich bin ja der Gast.
Judith: Danke für das Geschenk.
Chuck: Bitte.
Chuck: Ich brauche das Brot.
Chuck: Wo ist das?
Chuck: Links neben Ihnen.
Chuck: Oh, Entschuldigung. Hier.
Chuck: Danke. Susie, hast du die Butter?
Judith: Nein, ich habe sie. Hier.
Chuck: Danke.
Judith: Bitte
Judith: Now, slowly.
Chuck: Ich habe ein Geschenk für Sie. Hier.
Judith: Oh, danke. … Wir haben aber kein Geschenk für Sie.
Chuck: Das brauchen Sie auch nicht. Ich bin ja der Gast.
Judith: Danke für das Geschenk.
Chuck: Bitte.
Chuck: Ich brauche das Brot.
Chuck: Wo ist das?
Chuck: Links neben Ihnen.
Chuck: Oh, Entschuldigung. Hier.
Chuck: Danke. Susie, hast du die Butter?
Judith: Nein, ich habe sie. Hier.
Chuck: Danke.
Judith: Bitte
Judith: Now with the translation.
Judith: Ich habe ein Geschenk für Sie. Hier.
Chuck: I have a gift for you, here.
Judith: Oh, danke. … Wir haben aber kein Geschenk für Sie.
Chuck: Oh, thanks. But we have no gift for you.
Judith: Das brauchen Sie auch nicht. Ich bin ja der Gast.
Chuck: That’s not needed. “That need you also not.” I’m the guest after all.
Judith: Danke für das Geschenk.
Chuck: Thanks for the gift.
Judith: Bitte
Chuck: You’re welcome.
Judith: Ich brauche das Brot.
Chuck: I need the bread.
Judith: Wo ist das?
Chuck: Where is it?
Judith: Links neben Ihnen.
Chuck: Left, next to you.
Judith: Oh, Entschuldigung. Hier.
Chuck: Oh, sorry, here.
Judith: Danke. Susie, hast du die Butter?
Chuck: Thanks. Suzy, have you the butter?
Judith: Nein, ich habe sie. Hier.
Chuck: No, I have it, here.
Judith: Danke.
Chuck: Thanks.
Judith: Bitte.
Chuck: You’re welcome.
Judith: All right. I think it’s about time to talk about being a guest, like Paul is a guest in this family.
Chuck: As a guest in Germany, you should definitely have a present for your host that you’re staying with. It’s best to bring something from your region, like maybe a picture book or a local specialty.
Judith: Yes. When you’re just visiting someone without staying at their place, it’s still customary to bring a small gift, for example, some flowers or a bottle of wine.
Chuck: If you know that your host likes beer more, then you might bring beer along.
Judith: Yeah beer instead of wine, why not?
Chuck: Or chips.
Judith: That all depends on the kind of host. Chips would not be appropriate for like the parent generation.
Chuck: If you go in to a student party then.
Judith: Yeah. I also know that Americans like to give chocolates and that’s kind of unusual here. But, I think they will certainly be welcome.
Chuck: And be prepared for things to be a bit different here. The food, meal times, stores opening hours, customs, anything. And try to keep an open mind.
Judith: The easiest way to annoy your host is by not being punctual. Being more than five minutes late is frowned upon and more than 30 minutes late is absolutely inexcusable. So call ahead if you know that you’ll be delayed. Also, if you have to cancel an outing, let people know well in advance.
Chuck: And note that inviting yourself should only be done if the other person invited you to do so if they said something like, come by whenever you want.
Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is?
Judith: haben
Chuck: To have.
Judith: haben
Chuck: Next.
Judith: ein
Chuck: “A” or “An”.
Judith: ein
Chuck: Next.
Judith: Geschenk
Chuck: “Present” or “gift.”
Judith: Geschenk. This one is neuter, Geschenk and the plural is Geschenke.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: für
Chuck: For.
Judith: für
Chuck: Next.
Judith: kein
Chuck: “Not any” or “no.”
Judith: kein
Chuck: Next.
Judith: brauchen
Chuck: To need.
Judith: brauchen
Chuck: Next.
Judith: Brot
Chuck: Bread.
Judith: Brot and the plural is Brote.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: wo
Chuck: Where?
Judith: wo
Chuck: Next.
Judith: Butter
Chuck: Butter.
Judith: Butter. this word is feminine die Butter.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: sie
Chuck: “She” or “they.”
Judith: sie
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word that we’ll look at is „kein“. This is the equivalent of „nicht ein“. So to say, “We do not have a present.” You don’t actually use the word „nicht“ in German. Instead you’ll say „Wir haben kein Geschenk“, the „kein“ takes the place of both the „nicht“ and the „ein“ whenever both are part of a sentence.
Chuck: „ja“ can be used in the middle of a sentence. It makes the statement stronger like „Ich lerne ja Deutsch“ . So you call out, “I am learning German, you know.”
Judith: And „bitte“ is a typical answer to „danke“ is the equivalent of “You’re welcome,” in this case.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The grammar focus of this lesson is the verb haben.
Judith: „haben“ to have is one of the most important German verbs.
Chuck: It’s used not only to talk about possession but also to form other tenses as you’ll see later, just like in English.
Judith: Yeah. And it’s also used in non-literal sense in various expressions like „Hunger haben“ .
Chuck: To be hungry.
Judith: „Durst haben“
Chuck: To be thirsty.
Judith: „Zeit haben“
Chuck: To have time.
Judith: And so on.
Chuck: Unfortunately, „haben“ is irregular. Hear it’s formed for the present tense.
Judith: ich habe
Chuck: I have.
Judith: du hast
Chuck: You have.
Judith: er hat
Chuck: He has.
Judith: wir haben
Chuck: We have.
Judith: ihr habt
Chuck: “You have” plural.
Judith: sie haben
Chuck: “They have” or “you have” singular and formal.


Check: That just about does it for today. Listeners, do you know the reason flashcards are so popular?
Judith: It’s because they work.
Chuck: We’ve taken this time tested studying tool and modernized it with My Wordbank Flashcards.
Judith: Learn vocabulary using your eyes and ears.
Chuck: It’s simple and powerful. Save difficult and interesting words to your personal vocabulary list called My Wordbank.
Judith: Master words in your My Wordbank by practicing with flashcards.
Chuck: Words in My Wordbank come with the audio so you’ll learn proper pronunciation.
Judith: While you learn to recognize word by sight.
Chuck: Go to GermanPod101.com now and try My Wordbank and flashcards, today. So, see you next week.

