Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hey, everybody! What’s up? I’m Henrik. Welcome to a new episode of GermanPod101.com. I’ve got some cool stuff for you today. We’re doing top 10 phrases your parents always say. Once you’re a parent, you know that’s useful stuff. Let’s go!
1. Sei vorsichtig. “Be careful.”
Sei vorsichtig.
Sei vorsichtig. “Be careful.”
I, myself, heard this a lot as a kid. I guess all the parents say this all the time because they want their children to be safe, but it’s just natural for children. They want to play in the dirt, they want to play with sticks, do some stuff that’s maybe a little bit dangerous. So, you’re always going to hear sei vorsichtig “be careful.” So, I’m the one telling, be careful, but yeah, I was once the one always listening to it, be careful.
2. Sei still. “Be quiet.”
Sei still.
Sei still. “Be quiet.”
It’s a bit more like an annoyed one if you’re really sick of your kid like, wawawa, wawawa! Mama, mama, mama, mama! And then you say, ah, be quiet, sei still. Yeah, it’s not very nice to say that for sure, but I think many parents know the situation that kids always wants all the attention and, maybe, you’re focused on something, so you just want them to shut up, so you say, be quiet, sei still. Try not to say it. It’s not so nice, but at some point, you just cannot stand it anymore, so you say like, oh, be quiet, sei still.
3. benimm dich. “Behave.”
benimm dich.
benimm dich. “Behave.”
Actually, not only kids hear this from their parents. I could say that my girlfriend tells this to me like, “Oh, come on Henrik, behave.” Yeah, so, for little kids and for big kids.
4. Mach deine Hausaufgaben! “Do your homework!”
Mach deine Hausaufgaben!
Mach deine Hausaufgaben! “Do your homework!”
Actually, that’s not only parents saying, also your teachers. I’m your teacher, so please do your homework. Oh wait, I’m not giving you a homework, right? I should work on that. I’ll come up with some next time, okay?
5. Geh ins Bett. “Go to bed.”
Geh ins Bett.
Geh ins Bett. “Go to bed.”
Well, as I’m a young parent myself, I know that’s a very hard one because my little boy never wants to go to bed. I can understand, I’ll let him stay up late, so probably, do you? I don’t know. But yeah, important to know, but I think, even knowing this sentence, it doesn’t really help a lot because, just by saying go to bed, I rarely see an effect on this. Yeah, you have to come up with something better than just saying go to bed to make a kid go to bed, really. That’s my experience.
6. Ich werde bis drei zählen. “I'm going to count to three.”
Ich werde bis drei zählen.
Ich werde bis drei zählen. “I'm going to count to three.”
Not sure if that would work with most of the kids.
“One, two, three.”
Eins zwei drei.
Next one…
7. aufhören. “Stop.”
aufhören. “Stop.”
If you think now that also our traffic signs, stop signs, would say aufhören, no, they’re also stop. But if you wanna stop it, halt auf, aufhören. You could say both, you could say aufhören or halt auf. I think that halt auf is a bit more like, sounds strict and direct so like, you stop it! Don’t stop watching! Nicht aufhören.
8. Schalte den Fernseher jetzt aus. “Turn the TV off now.”
Schalte den Fernseher jetzt aus.
Schalte den Fernseher jetzt aus. “Turn off the TV now.”
Yeah, so, I personally was never really allowed to watch that much TV, so I know this one, but I think it’s good. Children shouldn’t always just watch TV. They should rather watch YouTube, GermanPod or something like that. So, turn off the TV, turn on GermanPod101, there you go.
9. Was habe ich gerade gesagt? “What did I just say?”
Was habe ich gerade gesagt?
Was habe ich gerade gesagt? “What did I just say?”
Classic! Oh, what did I just say? Again, probably, parents are being pretty serious when they say, “What did I just say?” We reminded you to do the stuff that you’re supposed to do. What did I just say?
Next one…
10. Hast du deine Zähne geputzt? “Did you brush your teeth?”
Hast du deine Zähne geputzt?
Hast du deine Zähne geputzt? “Did you brush your teeth?”
Yeah, always brush your teeth. Otherwise, the bad bacteria come and give that teeth teeth pain, tooth pain, all the stuff you don’t want. So yeah, could be your parent saying, could be the dentist. Either way, very important, always brushing your teeth in the morning and afternoon. Did you brush your teeth?
Anyways, let me stop here. We saw all the strict parent sentences. I hope you liked the lesson. See you next time. Bye-bye!

