Archive for the 'German Words' Category
May 13, 2021
What’s with All The English Words in German?
German learners often have to put up with native speakers who only ever speak English to them.
After all, if you go up to a stranger in Berlin and start speaking English only, there’s a good chance you’ll hear English in response – often quite fluent English at that!
But it’s not enough that you have to speak excellent German in order to get people to speak German with you at all.
You’ve got to speak the right amount of English as well. Hence, our English words in German list.
You see, if you’re going to take part in German society at this point in the 21st century, you’ve got to reckon with the fact that Germans are international enough to already speak English at a high level.
German-speakers from Cologne to Zurich can... Show more
April 23, 2021
A Brief German Culture Overview
"Culture" is a tricky word. It often comes up when talking about a foreign country, and all the different rituals and handicrafts immediately spring to mind. Woven baskets! Wooden shoes! Pretzels!
The truth is, you have just as much culture as anybody else in the world. Culture is all about what you perceive as normal and what your society expects as a baseline—and that can be surprisingly different from place to place.
We’ve created this guide to get you up to speed on the German culture basics and to give you a better understanding of life in German-speaking countries. Let’s dive in.
Table of Contents
Values and Beliefs
Religions in Germany
Family and Work
German Beer
Traditional Holidays
... Show more
April 22, 2021
Walpurgis in Germany: Ready to Have a Witchin’ Time?
Witches, sorcerers, costumes, tricks, and, it’s not Halloween! We’re talking about Walpurgis night in Germany.
While you might not associate the beginning of spring with witchcraft and sorcery, this correlation has some interesting roots in numerous European countries. In this article, you’ll learn about the origins of this mystical holiday and how it’s celebrated today.
Let’s go!
1. What is Walpurgis Night?
Walpurgis is a festival that takes place each year, beginning on the night of April 30 and ending on May 1. This festival is also common in a number of other European nations, including Sweden, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Estonia.
Walpurgis Night is named after an... Show more
March 29, 2021
Delicious German Food to Complement Your Studies
Maybe you weren’t fortunate enough to grow up with German restaurants nearby or German relatives in the family.
If not, you’ve missed out on some amazing food.
German food is soul food by any definition: rich, hearty, and packed with flavor. Anyone who’s been to Germany would probably agree that visiting restaurants was the highlight of their trip!
How well do you know your German food—and how well can you talk about it in German?
In this article, you’ll get to know some brand-new dishes as well as some that you’ve probably sampled before. All the while, pay attention to the words used to describe them and their German names. You might find yourself picking up some important German vocabulary!
Table of Contents
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March 4, 2021
The Best German Quotes To Spice Up Your Conversations
German is a language with a long history of great writing. It’s no wonder that there are a lot of excellent quotes that have been passed down through the centuries!
In order to help you become a more eloquent German speaker, GermanPod101 has compiled a list of the best German quotes in several different categories.
As you study these quotes, you’ll also start to make important connections concerning the grammatical structures being used. The end result? You’ll pick up German grammar without even realizing it!
Table of Contents
Quotes About Success
Quotes About Life
Quotes About Time
Quotes About Love
Quotes About Friendship
Quotes About Food
Quotes About Health
Quotes About Language Learning
... Show more
December 18, 2020
Is German Hard to Learn? Yes – But in a Good Way.
You might be one of those folks who wishes they knew German.
But wanting to know German is different from learning German or wanting to learn German. The people who just long for the day when they know German are usually the ones asking "Is German hard to learn?"
But here’s the thing. Every language out there is hard in one way or another, even the ones that are close to your native language. Whether the difficulty comes at the beginning of the journey or in the middle, you’re never going to get off easy.
The challenge is the fun of it! And besides, do you really have that much to worry about when it comes to learning German?
Table of Contents
Is it Hard to Learn German?
The Hardest Parts of German
The Easiest Parts... Show more
December 11, 2020
Guard Yourself Against These Common German Mistakes
Make no mistake—people have been complaining about the difficulty of the German language for centuries. Mark Twain did it then, and you’re probably doing it now.
It seems like the harder a language is, the more pressure we put on ourselves to get it exactly right. That’s even more true when the locals tend to speak English quite confidently.
But as the Europe of today becomes more and more multicultural, the stigma of "perfect German or bust" is slowly falling away. There’s no need to paralyze yourself with doubt concerning common German mistakes or creating the perfect German sentence, because others in your community are probably dealing with language struggles of their own.
So if you want to improve your German, you can start... Show more
November 27, 2020
Master Simple German Questions and Answers for Beginners
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to tonight’s round of German Questions Extraordinaire!
Does that sound like a quiz show you would watch? It would certainly help out your German!
Perhaps you’ve realized that every time you have a German conversation, you’re kind of on a quiz show yourself. Conversations tend to be built around questions and answers—especially the kinds of conversations that you’re likely to have as a foreign student of German.
Therefore, practicing the following German questions and answers for beginners will provide you with the tools you need to sail through opening conversations like they’re nothing.
In a typical German conversation, questions and answers like the ones we’ll introduce today will... Show more
August 25, 2020
100 Hand-Picked German Verbs for Your Everyday Life
You know, German treats verbs differently.
In contrast to pretty much any other European language, German moves the verb all the way around the sentence quite often. They call it "verb-second" and "verb-final."
All that to say, you’re going to need to know your German verbs well if you want to be a good German speaker. Here are one hundred of the best German verbs for beginners to learn—how many do you know already?
Table of Contents
Regular Tourist Verbs in German
Verbs at Home
Verbs in the Kitchen
Verbs at the University
Verbs at Work
Verbs for Your Spare Time
Verbs at the Gym
Verbs on a Date
1. Regular Tourist Verbs in German
Everybody wants to travel to Germany... Show more
August 24, 2020
You And Me Against the World Of German Pronouns
You already know you need to learn about German pronouns. They're a small but absolutely indispensable part of learning a new language.
Congratulations - you mostly know them already!
German pronouns are almost the same as the English ones, with just a couple more here and there. You know, plural second person, formal address, all that good stuff like in other European languages.
The only difficult part is, well, the grammar. Each pronoun has several different forms based on what case it's in. You not only need to know what that means, but you also need to get used to actually making those changes during natural speech.
Since cases are the key to really understanding German pronouns, let's start with those.
Table of... Show more