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Archive for the 'German Holidays' Category

Learn German – The Summer Gift You’ve Been Waiting For …

If you’ve been thinking about how you’re going to make the most of this summer, we’ve got some great news for you. You don’t have to travel the world to immerse yourself in German culture. You can learn German this summer at a teeny tiny fraction of what it would cost you to take a big trip. Over the years, we at Innovative Language Learning have been working hard to develop the best German language learning program available. You can rely on our proven method. It’s been field tested over and over again. There are no weak points, no gaps and no traps. This program is FUN, FAST, and EASY and best of all …you won’t spend a lot of money! In fact this your chance to get Premium level access to GermanPod101.com for 25% less than... Show more

Learn German Culture – Johannistag (Midsummer’s day) in Germany

Johannistag is Midsummer’s day in Germany. It is held in June of each year and is centered on summer solstice. It is also said to represent the day of John the Baptist. During this time, people were of the impression that the midsummer plants had healing and miraculous powers. The celebration begins with a lit bonfire that is indicative of getting rid of evil spirits who were thought to be on the loose when the sun turned to the south, which was when the midsummer began. In Germany, a decree was issued by the Nuremberg town council on June 20th 1653, which allowed the people of Germany the right to celebrate this occasion around their bonfires as they carried out their superstitious activities of ridding their town of all kinds of... Show more

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From GermanPod101.com!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from everyone here at GermanPod101.com! We're grateful to have listeners just like you, and we're eagerly waiting for the upcoming year to learn German together! And when the New Year comes around, be sure to make a resolution to study German with GermanPod101.com! Have a healthy and happy holiday season. From the GermanPod101.com team!