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German Word of the Day – receive (verb)

Learn a little German everyday with the free German Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!bekommen receive (verb)Der Mann bekam Geld.The man received money.Der Mann bekommt Geld.The man receives money.Ich bekam eine Postkarte von meiner Freundin.I received a postcard from my girlfriend.Geld bekommenreceive moneyeine Postkarte bekommenreceive a cardeinen Weckruf bekommenreceive a wake-up callOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the German Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

How to Start Thinking in German

Learn 4 tools and techniques to stop translating in your head and start thinking in Going through lessons is enough to get by and learn the basics of , but to truly become fluent you need to be able to think in . This will allow you to have conversations with ease, read smoothly, and comprehensively understand natives. To do this, you need to go beyond just completing daily or weekly lessons. We naturally translate in our heads because it's viewed as the easiest way to learn the definitions needed when learning a language. This way of learning can actually hinder your skills and fluency later on. If your brain has to make neural connections between the word you're learning, what it means in your native tongue, and the physical object... Show more

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface Your learning is about to get a whole lot easier. More than ever, learners are choosing mobile as the platform to study German. Mobile has always been a part of our DNA. We began our life on your iPod, and have remained by your side ever since. In our 11th year, we’re returning to our roots as a way to learn German on-the-go. How? With a brand-new lesson interface just for you. Hint: It will launch in beta later this month! If you want to secure access to this brand new upgrade, take advantage of the upcoming All Access Pass Sale! Click Here to Get 25% OFF All GermanPod101 Subscriptions! (example taken from It’s built from the ground-up to be a... Show more

How to Overcome the Top 4 German Learning Fears

Every German learner will have these fears – “I’m not good enough yet.” “I don’t think I’m making any progress.” “What if I never reach my goals?” German learning fears – we all get them from time to time. What are yours? And are they worth being scared of? In this blog post, we’re killing the top 4 German learning fears – 1) what are the fears learners tend to have the most and 2) how you can overcome them! Here are the top 4 language learning fears according to our users: 1. “I’m not good enough to start speaking yet.” Do you feel like you’re not good enough to start speaking yet? It’s a pretty common fear or misconception that most learners have. Here’s how you overcome it: The best way to get good at speaking is to... Show more

German Word of the Day – present (noun)

Learn a little German everyday with the free German Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!Geschenk present (noun)Und das ist dein Geburtstagsgeschenk.And this is your birthday present.An meinem zweiten (2.) Geburtstag war mein Geschenk ein Kuscheltier.On my second (2nd) birthday my present was a stuffed animal.Du musst anwesend sein, um die Vorlesungen hören zu können.You must be present in order to hear the lectures.blaue Schleife auf einer Boxblue bow on boxgroßes Geschenkbig presentSei present.Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the German Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

German Word of the Day – leaf (noun)

Learn a little German everyday with the free German Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!Blatt leaf (noun)Durch zu viel Wasser wird das Blatt gelb werden.The leaf will turn yellow with too much water.gelbes Blattyellow leafgrünes Blattgreen leafGlühwürmchen auf einem Blattfirefly on a leafOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the German Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

German Word of the Day – kick (verb)

Learn a little German everyday with the free German Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!schießen kick (verb)Der Spieler schießt den Fußball.The player is kicking the soccer ball.den Ball schießenkick the ballOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the German Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

New Premium PLUS Feature! 1-on-1 German Learning with Your Own Teacher

Hello Listener, Imagine having your very own GermanPod101 teacher. They give you personal attention and fix any German problem you’ll ever have. They can... Correct your writing Be a source of constant German practice Give you insider tips on what words sound more natural in German Correct your German pronunciation (something most native speakers are too polite to do!) Point out your weaknesses Tell you how to best master German Access to your own German teacher was already available in our Premium PLUS subscription, but mostly via email interaction. Now, there’s a new Premium PLUS feature that gives you 1-on-1 instruction on the website or on the go via an App: Premium PLUS My... Show more

German Word of the Day – surf the internet (phrase)

Learn a little German everyday with the free German Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!im Internet surfen surf the internet (phrase)Ich surfe jeden Abend im Internet, bevor ich ins Bett gehe.I surf the internet every night before bed.Der Mann surft gerade am Computer im Internet.The man is surfing the internet on the computer.Der Mann surfte an seinem Computer im Internet.The man surfed the internet on the computer.Der Mann surft am Computer im Internet.The man surfs the internet on the computer.auf einem Laptop im Internet surfensurf the net on a laptopfür eine Stunde im Internet surfensurf the internet for an hourOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the German Word of the Day... Show more

New! Go from your 1st German phrase to knowing 700 with the German PhrasePower iBook

Hello Listener, Remember your first German phrase? Was it “Hello, how are you,” “My name is....” or maybe “I have no idea what I’m saying?” Every German learner starts out with simple phrases and questions. That’s because learning phrases is easy. They’re exactly what get you speaking, understanding, and improving your German in the first place. Not just random, unusable words. So as a German Beginner, having a powerful German phrasebook is the easiest way to speak more German. And with our brand new iBook, you master over 700 phrases. Master 700+ essential German phrases with the NEW Learn German: PhrasePower iBook for the iPad. This is the perfect first step for Beginners and Travelers that want to learn and speak a... Show more