3 Consistent Ways You’ll Learn German Fast: All New Lessons, Word Lists & 29% OFF!

Get a hot 29% OFF!

Hi there Listener,

When you’re learning German and want real progress…look for the consistent method. One that’s non-stop and keeps you going. What’s a good one? GermanPod101 Lessons – free audio and video lessons, every week. In fact, a new season of lessons has started this month that you can grab. Anything else? Vocab lists, where you learn new words and phrases all the time. And don’t forget that our 29% OFF Summer of German Sale ends Friday!

In this month’s newsletter…

  1. Sale Ends Friday! Click Here to Get 29% OFF Basic or Premium!
  2. A New Season Has Started: New, Free, Weekly German Lessons
  3. Free Feature Alert: Speak More German With Word & Phrase Lists

1. Summer of German Sale ends Friday! Get a HOT 29% OFF!
Want to speak and understand German like a native speaker? Get 29% OFF and start speaking German with lessons by real teachers. Unlock our entire German course and learning system – 160+ hours of audio and video lessons, mobile apps, lesson notes, study tools and more! Just $2.84/month and up to $69.60 OFF! Ends 7/31/2015!

Click Here to Save up to $69.60 on the Most Effective German Course!
(Discounted prices ONLY available until Friday, July 31st, 2015!)

2. New Lessons Started this July – Here’s the 2015 Lesson Schedule!
Now, we know that you want more lessons. They’re non-stop, free and get you speaking more German in minutes. So, you should know that new lessons and seasons started on July 6th. What kind of lessons? And what days do they come out on? Check the publishing schedule. And if you want to get our entire system – over 160+ hours of lessons – grab the 29% discount above!

Click Here to See the New Lesson Publishing Schedule!

3. Free Feature Alert: Speak More German with Word & Phrase Lists
Here’s another non-stop way to boost your German – German Word and Phrase Lists. They’re based on holidays, current events and all-around useful topics. Our listeners learned how to talk about their summer plans in German with a recent list! Just click below, access any list and review with definitions, sample sentences and audio pronunciation.

Click Here to Access the Free German Word & Phrase Lists.

To your German fluency,

Team GermanPod101

P.S. Ends Friday! Get a HOT 29% OFF the Most Effective German Course!
Ready to master more German this summer? Get 29% OFF any plan and start speaking German with lessons by real teachers. Unlock our ENTIRE learning system – 160+ hours of audio and video lessons, mobile apps, lesson notes, study tools and more! Just $2.84/month and up to $69.60 OFF! Ends 7/31/2015!

Click Here to Get 29% OFF the Most Effective German Course!
(Discounted prices ONLY available until Friday, July 31st, 2015!)

Get a hot 29% OFF!