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How to say “thank you” in German

“Say thank you!” is what your parents always reminded you to say. While you may were annoyed by it as a child, today it happens many times in life that you wish to thank someone, appreciate someone’s gift or express your gratitude towards someone.

To say “thank you” in German, the simple word Danke will do the job. However, as in English, there are many variations and styles of expressing thanks in German. Here is a look at ten ways to say “thank you” – plus some related German words and expressions for expressing your gratitude.

1. Danke! – Thanks! Thank you.

Note: If you say “Danke!” in response to an offer, it may be understood as “no thanks.” To say “thanks, yes” use “Bitte!” (please).

2. Danke schön! – Thank you! Hear it!

Another variation: Danke sehr! Thank you very much!

3. Tausend Dank! – A thousand thanks! Thanks very much!

4. Danke vielmals! – Many thanks!

5. Recht schönen Dank! – Many thanks!

6. Ich danke Ihnen/dir! – I thank you!

7. Ich bin (Ihnen/dir) sehr dankbar für… – I’m very grateful (to you) for…

8. Haben Sie vielen Dank! – Many thanks!

9. Vielen Dank! – Many thanks! Hear it!

Some similar forms: Besten Dank! Best thanks!; Herzlichen Dank! Heartfelt thanks!; Schönen Dank! Many thanks!

10. Mit tiefer Dankbarkeit! – With deep gratitude!