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Common Greetings and Courtesies

If you only know a few words of German, having the ability to be polite will make those few words go a lot farther because people will appreciate your effort to be courteous and respectful in their language. Below you’ll find a collection of common, everyday German greetings (Grüße) and courtesies (Nettigkeiten). Be aware that German makes a clear distinction between formal and familiar forms of expression (Sie = formal form and du / first name = familiar form). Phrases marked “familiar” or “casual” should only be used in informal, first-name situations.

Everyday Pleasantries

Guten Tag!  / Tag! –> Hello! / Hi!

Grüß Gott! –> Hello! (southern Germany & Austria)

Grüß dich! –> Hello! (familiar, informal)

Guten Morgen! – Morgen! –> Good morning! – Morning!

Guten Abend! –> Good evening!

Gute Nacht! –> Good night!

Wie geht es Ihnen? –> How are you?

Wie geht’s? –> How are you? (familiar, informal)

Danke, gut. –> Fine, thanks.

Sehr gut. –> Great.

Es geht. –> Okay. So-so.

Nicht so gut. –> Not so well.

Auf Wiedersehen. –> Good-bye.

Tschüs! –> Bye! See you later. (casual)


Was möchten Sie? –> What would you like?

Ich möchte… –> I would like…

Darf ich? –> May I?

Können Sie mir helfen? –> Can you help me?

Yes/No – Thanks – You’re Welcome

Bitte! – Ja, bitte! –> Please! – Yes, please!

Danke! –> Thanks! – No thanks!

Danke schön! –> Thank you!

Vielen Dank! –> Thanks a lot! – Many thanks!

Bitte schön! –> You’re welcome! (in response to Danke schön!)

Nein, danke! –> No thanks!