
Vocabulary (Review)

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Chuck: Chuck here. Intermediate Season 4, Lesson 15 – “The Case of The Lost iPhone in Germany”. Hello and welcome to GermanPod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German.
Judith: I’m [Judith] and thanks again for being here with us for this Intermediate Season 4 Lesson.
Chuck: In this lesson you’ll learn how to describe what happened.
Judith: This conversation takes place at the conference.
Chuck: The conversation is between Joe and Christina.
Judith: The speakers only met today, therefore they’ll be speaking formal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Christina: Wollen Sie sich vielleicht meine E-Mail Adresse aufschreiben? Dann können wir in Kontakt bleiben.
Joe: Ja, das ist eine gute Idee.
Christina: Haben Sie einen Stift?
Joe: Nicht nötig; ich trage sie einfach in mein iPhone ein... Moment... Wo ist es?? ... Ich kann mein iPhone nicht mehr finden!
Christina: Wo haben Sie es denn als letztes gehabt?
Joe: Hmm... bei der Anmeldung hatte ich es noch. Ich war in der Schlange und habe mir die Zeit mit einem Spielchen vertrieben.
Christina: Haha. Und wo haben Sie es dann hingetan?
Joe: In meine Jackentasche, aber jetzt ist es nicht da.
Christina: Wo sind Sie nach der Anmeldung hingegangen?
Joe: Ich bin hierhin gekommen.
Christina: Sind Sie irgendwo stehen geblieben?
Joe: Nein, ich bin einfach hierhin gelaufen, ohne stehen zu bleiben und ohne Umwege.
Christina: Komisch. Haben Sie das iPhone zwischendurch wirklich nicht mehr benutzt?
Joe: Nein. Ich weiß nicht, was passiert ist.
Christina: Es ist möglich, dass jemand es gestohlen hat, aber ich will es nicht hoffen. Gucken Sie noch einmal gründlich überall nach und fragen Sie das Organisationsteam der Konferenz, ob jemand es vielleicht gefunden hat.
Joe: Und wenn nicht?
Christina: Dann müssen Sie zur Polizei oder zum Fundbüro.
Joe: Danke, das werde ich tun.
Christina: Perhaps you'd like to write down my email? Then we can stay in touch.
Joe: Yes, that's a good idea.
Christina: Do you have a pen?
Joe: Not necessary; I'll just put it into my iPhone... Wait... Where is it?? ... I can't find my iPhone anymore!
Christina: Where did you last have it?
Joe: Hmm... at the registration I still had it. I was in the line and was wasting some time playing a game.
Christina: Haha. And where did you put it?
Joe: In my jacket pocket, but now it's not there.
Christina: Where did you go after registration?
Joe: I came here.
Christina: Did you stop anywhere?
Joe: No, I just walked over here, without stopping and without detours.
Christina: Strange. And you really didn't use the iPhone in between?
Joe: No. I don't know what happened.
Christina: It's possible that someone stole it, but I hope not. Take another look around everywhere and ask the conference organizers whether anyone found it.
Joe: And if not?
Christina: Then you'll have to go to the police or to the lost-and-found office.
Joe: Thanks, I'll do that.
Judith: Okay, talking about iPhones how about we talk about some innovations in Germany?
Chuck: Well, compared to America or say, a lot of other countries, Germans are less open to new ideas and new products.
Judith: Yeah, I remember when cellphones first appeared, people really didn’t adopt them for a while, first there were studies to be done to show that the waves are pretty harmless and that they don’t cause cancer. A good effect of this is that Germans immediately got to use cellphones with better functionality.
Chuck: Yeah, they really wanted to build the cellphone network with better technology. Another fact of this different mentality is that restaurants are the last place to have a website in Germany and quite a few restaurants don’t accept credit cards. You wouldn’t even believe, even the big electronic warehouses don’t take credit cards here.
Judith: Well that’s because only a third of Germans have a credit card. Yeah, it’s just a different mentality. There’s a simply less of a new equals good mentality. If anything there’s a known and familiar equals good mentality. News things have to earn respect first.
Chuck: That doesn’t mean Germans won’t innovate, though. There’re 95 Noble prize winners from Germany and don’t forget about the reputation that Germans have to engineering. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Chuck: The first word we shall see is?
Judith: [Stift]
Chuck: “Pen, pencil” or “writing instrument”.
Judith: [Stift, der Stift] and the plural is [Stifte].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [nötig]
Chuck: “Necessary” or “required”.
Judith: [nötig, nötig]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [vertreiben]
Chuck: “To expel” or “banish”.
Judith: [vertreiben, vertreiben] and the forms are [Er vertreibt, Er vertrieb, Er hat vertrieben].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Tasche]
Chuck: “Bag” or “pocket”.
Judith: [Tasche, die Tasche] and the plural is [Taschen].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Umweg]
Chuck: “Detour”.
Judith: [Umweg, der Umweg] and the plural is [Umwege].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [komisch]
Chuck: “Strange, weird” or “funny”.
Judith: [komisch, komisch]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [zwischendurch]
Chuck: “In between”.
Judith: [zwischendurch, zwischendurch]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [passieren]
Chuck: “To happen”.
Judith: [passieren, passieren]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [möglich]
Chuck: “Possible”.
Judith: [möglich, möglich]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [stehlen]
Chuck: “To seal” or “to thief”.
Judith: [stehlen, stehlen] the forms are [Er stiehlt, Er stiehlt, Er hat gestohlen].
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [gründlich]
Chuck: “Thoroughly”.
Judith: [gründlich, gründlich]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [überall]
Chuck: “Everywhere”.
Judith: [überall, überall]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Organisation]
Chuck: “Organization”.
Judith: [Organisation, die Organisation] and the plural is [Organisationen]
Chuck: Next?
Judith: [Polizei]
Chuck: “Police”.
Judith: [Polizei, die Polizei] it’s feminine.
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first phrase we’ll look at is [als letztes]
Chuck: “Last” or “lastly”.
Judith: Then [sich die Zeit vertreiben].
Chuck: Literally “to expel one’s time”, in other words “kill time” or “to pass the time”.
Judith: Next, [hingetan] as in the question [Wo haben Sie das Iphone dann hingetan?] this is the participle of [hintun].
Chuck: “To put there”.
Judith: [Tun] is “to do”, but it can also be used for “to put” in colloquial German, so [Wo haben Sie das Iphone dann hingetan] means “Where did you put the iPhone then?” Finally, [Fundbüro].
Chuck: “Lost and found office”.
Judith: The name is a combination of [Fund]
Chuck: “To find”.
Judith: And [das Büro].
Chuck: “The office”.

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is perfect with [sein] we already mentioned that the German perfect tense is often formed just like in English, with the form of the auxiliary [haben], “to have”, and the past participle.
Judith: What we didn’t yet talk about are the cases where German verbs use the auxiliary [sein].
Chuck: “To be”.
Judith: [sein] can be used instead of [haben]
Chuck: You might be familiar with this from French or another Roman languages, where there’s also some verbs that use “to have” and others that use “to be” for the perfect tense.
Judith: In German, the basic idea you can learn is that verbs of motion will use “to be” and almost everything else will use “to have”. However, there are still exceptions to this rule.
Chuck: Let’s look at some perfect forms.
Judith: [Ich bin gekommen]
Chuck: “I have come.”
Judith: This is a verb of motion hence it uses [sein, Ich bin gegangen].
Chuck: “I have gone.”
Judith: A verb of motion hence it uses [sein, Ich bin geflogen].
Chuck: “I have flown.”
Judith: A verb of motion hence it uses [sein, Ich bin gesprungen].
Chuck: “I have jumped.”
Judith: Another verb of motion. [Ich bin gewesen].
Chuck: “I have been.”
Judith: It’s not a verb of motion but it uses [sein] anyway.


Chuck: There’re some more examples in today’s dialogue. Can you spot them? Well, that just about does it for today.
Judith: Listeners, can’t you understand German TV shows, movies or songs?
Chuck: How about friends and loved ones? Conversations in German?
Judith: If you want to know what’s going on, we have a tool to help.
Chuck: Line by line audio.
Judith: Listen to the conversations line by line and learn to understand natural German fast.
Chuck: It’s simple really.
Judith: With a click of a button, listen to each line of the conversation.
Chuck: Listen again and again until your ears are natural German.
Judith: Rapidly understand natural German with this powerful tool.
Chuck: Find this feature on lesson’s page under premium member resources at GermanPod101.com Thanks for listening, see you next week!
Judith: [Danke für das Zuhören und bis nächste Woche!]

