Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi my name is Alisa. Welcome to the top 25 German phrases. Let’s get started.
1. Hallo. “Hello.”
Hallo. “Hello.” It’s usually used between friends and usually you add Hallo. Wie gehts? It’s “Hello, how are you?”
2. Guten Morgen. “Good morning.”
Guten Morgen. “good morning”, and obviously it’s used in – very casual would be just “morning” Morgen.
3. Guten Tag. “Good afternoon”
Guten Tag means “good afternoon” or “good day”. You don’t usually say it to friends.
Guten Tag.
4. Na klar. “Of course.”
Na klar means “of course”. I actually use it a lot. It’s very casual.
Kannst du mein Auto heute waschen? Na klar. that would be actually really good, but it means “can you wash my car today? Of course” who wouldn’t want that, right?
5. Wie heißen Sie? “What’s your name?”
Wie heißen Sie? means “what’s your name?” Wie heißen Sie? is a very formal way to say it between friends and it would be more Wie heißt du?
Wie heißen Sie? Ich heiße Alisa. “What’s your name? My name is Alisa.”
6. Ich bin “I am”
Ich bin heute gut drauf. “I am in a really good mood today.”
Ich bin im Urlaub “I am on vacation”
7. Wie geht es Ihnen? “How are you?”
Wie geht es Ihnen? and then Mir get es gut. “How are you? I am good.”
8. Es freut mich Sie kennenzulernen. “Nice to meet you.”
Hallo. Wie gehts? Es freut mich Sie kennenzulernen. “Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you.” It is a very common sentence.
9. Mir geht es gut, danke. Und Ihnen? “I am fine, thanks. And you?”
Mir geht es gut, danke. Und Ihnen? “I am fine, thanks. And you?” It’s the answer to if you get asked Wie geht es Ihnen? when you are talking to friends, you can actually say Mir geht es gut, danke. Und dir?
10. Bitte. “Please.”
Bitte also means “you are welcome”.
Danke, dass du heute Einkaufen warst. Bitte. “Thank you for going grocery shopping today, you are welcome.”
11. Bis später. “See you later”
Bis später. “See you later”
Bis gleich means when you are actually meeting in maybe 5 to 10 minutes; and Bis später is used mostly for example in the morning and you are going to meet during the evening.
Hallo, sollen wir heute Essen gehen? Ja gerne. Ja dann bis später. “Hello, should we go have something to eat today? Yes sure! See you later.”
12. Ich glaube schon. “I think so.”
Ich glaube schon. “I think so.”
Meinst du wir können heute was Trinken gehen? Ich glaube schon. Yeah, “Do you think we can go have drinks tonight? I think so.”
Ich glaube schon is kind of like an uncertain thing to say.
13. Danke. “Thank you.”
Danke “thank you”
Danke is very casual between friends and family.
Wie geht es dir heute? Danke, sehr gut. “How are you today? Thank you, I am fine.”
14. Gern geschehen. “You are welcome.”
Danke, dass du mir beim Umzug geholfen hast. Gern geschehen. “Thank you for helping me move. You are welcome.”
15. Ja. “Yes.”
Ja means “yes”, and of course it’s a very, very common word in German. You use it all the time when you are listening to someone. Ja…
Kannst du heute bitte mit dem Hund spazieren gehen? Ja. “Can you take the dog for a walk today? Yes.”
16. Nein. “No.”
Nein. “No.”
Hast du am Samstag Zeit? Nein, leider nicht. ”Are you free on Saturday? No, sorry, I am not.” Just saying nein is a little bit rude. So people just add “no, I am not free”.
17. Okay. “Okay.”
It’s more used with friends and family and not at workplace. When I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to say okay; for example, yeah, I had to say “yes” or “no”, ja / nein, and of course okay is also used in, for example:
Wie geht es dir? Mir gehts okay. “How are you, I’m okay.”
Kannst du mir vielleicht deine Kamera heute ausleihen? Okay. “Could you lend me your camera today? Okay.”
18. Entschuldigung. “Excuse me.”
Entschuldigung “excuse me”.
Entschuldigung, Sie haben gerade Ihre Schlüssel verloren. “Excuse me, you just dropped your keys.”
So yeah “excuse me” and “I am sorry” means both, Entschuldigung. It’s a very formal way to ask somebody for a favor.
19. Kein Problem. “No problem.”
Kein Problem. “No problem.” It’s very common sentence. I use it all the time.
Kein Problem. Kein Problem. …
If someone is going to be late, (he say) Ich komme erst in 10 Minuten. KP! means “No problem!”
20. Wie viel Uhr ist es? “What time is it?”
Yes obviously when you want to know the time, you ask this and it’s used at work. It’s neither formal or casual. You can use it with friends, you are in the city and you forgot your watch.
Entschuldigen Sie, wie viel Uhr ist es? “Excuse me, what time is it?” It’s a very common phrase and used everywhere.
21. Einen Moment bitte. “One moment, please.”
You bought something and you want to return it. Entschuldigen Sie, ich würde gerne etwas zurückschicken. Einen Moment bitte. “Excuse me, I would like to return something. One moment please.”
22. Ich hätte gerne... “I would like…”
Ich hätte gerne einen Salat mit Pommes. “I would like salad with fries.”
I would like water.
23. Wie viel macht das? “How much is it?”
Ich hätte gerne ein Kleid für eine Hochzeit. Wie viel macht das? “I would like a dress for a wedding, how much is it?”
24. Zahlen, bitte. “The check, please.”
Zahlen, bitte “the check, please”. When you are ordering something and you are finished and you want to pay, you usually say to the waiter or waitress. Zahlen, bitte.
25. Hilfe! “help”
Hilfe! “help!”
Hilfe like “help” is when you are in need of something or you can’t do it by yourself, you scream or you say Hilfe!
Ich bräuchte Hilfe heute Abend. “I need help tonight.”
Thank you for watching. Today we did the top 25 German phrases. Don’t forget to subscribe, see you soon, bye.
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