
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson #14. There Are No Headaches with German Prefixes.
Judith: Hi my name is Judith and I am joined here by Chuck.
Chuck: Hello everyone and welcome back to germanpod101.com.
Judith: What are we learning today?
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn how to buy medicine.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a German pharmacy.
Chuck: The conversation is between Joe and the pharmacist.
Judith: The speakers are in a business relationship. Therefore they will be speaking formal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Joe: Hallo.
Apothekerin: Ja, bitte sehr?
Joe: Hmm, also ich habe Kopfschmerzen. Haben Sie etwas, damit die Schmerzen weggehen?
Apo: Aber natürlich. Ich gebe Ihnen Tabletten. Die wirken sehr schnell gegen Kopfschmerzen.
Joe: Wie muss ich die Tabletten einnehmen?
Apo: Sie müssen die Tabletten in Wasser auflösen…
Joe: Hmm…aber ich möchte sie jetzt einnehmen…
Apo: Ach ja, natürlich. Dann gebe ich Ihnen andere Tabletten. Die können Sie mit etwas Wasser einnehmen.
Joe: Ah, super. Wie viel kosten die Tabletten?
Apo: Sie kosten 3,50 Euro.
Joe: Okay. Ich nehme sie.
Apo: Darf es noch etwas sein?
Joe: Wie bitte?
Apo: Möchten Sie sonst noch etwas?
Joe: Ja. Ich glaube, ich brauche ein paar Taschentücher.
Apo: Ja, gerne. War's das?
Joe: Wie bitte?
Apo: Ich meine, ist das alles?
Joe: Ja.
Apo: Gut, dann bekomme ich 3,50 Euro von Ihnen.
Joe: Äh... für alles zusammen?
Apo: Äh, ja…warum?
Joe: Aber… was ist mit den Taschentüchern?
Apo: Die Taschentücher bekommen Sie kostenlos mit dazu.
Joe: Oh, danke. … Hier bitte…
Apo: 4 Euro, danke…und 50 Cent zurück….Schönen Tag noch!
Joe: Danke schön!
Joe: Hello
Pharmacist: Yes, can I help you?
Joe: Hmm, well I have a headache. Do you have something that will make it go away?
Pharmacist: Of course. I'll give you some tablets. They take effect very quickly against headaches.
Joe: How do I take the tablets?
Pharmacist: You have to dissolve the tablets in water.
Joe: Hmm...but I would like to take them now.
Pharmacist: Oh, of course. Then I'll give you other tablets. These ones you can take with water.
Joe: Ah, super. How much do the tablets cost?
Pharmacist: They cost 3 euros and 50 cents.
Joe: Okay, I'll take them.
Pharmacist: Is there anything else?
Joe: Sorry?
Pharmacist: Would you like something else?
Joe: Yes, I think I need a few tissues
Pharmacist: Great. That's it?
Joe: Sorry?
Pharmacist: I mean is that all?
Joe: Yes.
Pharmacist: Good, then I'll get 3.50 from you.
Joe: Uh...for everything altogether?
Pharmacist: Uh, yes...why?
Joe: But...what about the tissues?
Pharmacist: You get the tissues included for free.
Joe: Oh, thanks. Here you go.
Pharmacist: 4 euros, thanks...and 50 cents back. Have a good day!
Joe: Thanks!
Judith: Okay let’s talk about pharmacies because I think there is quite a difference here between German pharmacies and American ones.
Chuck: Well it is better than having a cultural point about tissues I guess.
Judith: German pharmacies are manned by highly trained staff who can help you find good medicine for whatever ill you have.
Chuck: Yeah they don’t quite see the point in studying pharmacy to sell you say candy bars. So you notice that German pharmacies only sell medicine like you won’t find other groceries there like shampoo or products without health benefits.
Judith: Yeah by contrast the so called Drogerien, the drugstores focus on bathroom products like shampoo, soap, cosmetics and so on and they often have some health food stuff but they are not allowed to sell medicine, just alternative medicine.
Chuck: Another cultural difference between the USA and Germany is that there is a lot less over the counter medicine in Germany. A lot of things require prescriptions.
Judith: Yeah and when you have some of those over-the-counter medicine like some mild pain killers then they come in small quantities.
Chuck: And Germans are just expected to see the doctor when they are actually sick and people do considering it’s free with universal health insurance.
Judith: This lack of experience in self medication also means that Germans are a lot less aware of medicine ingredients or the pros and cons of various agents. Really listening to American ads from medicine, I don’t understand a word.
Chuck: Actually I don’t think I’ve ever seen a German ad for medicine before.
Judith: Oh there are a few but they are very general like if you have a headache, take this.
Chuck: Okay.
Judith: They don’t say this is better than a bottle of small whatever.
Chuck: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is
Judith: Kopf.
Chuck: Head
Judith: Kopf. Kopf. Der Kopf and the plural is Köpfe.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Schmerz.
Chuck: Pain or ache.
Judith: Schmerz. Schmerz. Der Schmerz and the plural is Schmerzen.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Damit.
Chuck: So that
Judith: Damit. Damit.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Weggehen.
Chuck: To go away.
Judith: Weggehen. Weggehen. And the weg splits off.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Tablette.
Chuck: Tablet or pill.
Judith: Tablette. Tablette. Die Tablette and the plural is Tabletten.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Wirken.
Chuck: To have an effect.
Judith: Wirken. Wirken. A weak verb.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Einnehmen.
Chuck: To take medicine.
Judith: Einnehmen. Einnehmen. And the ein splits off and the rest behaves like the verb nehmen.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Auflösen.
Chuck: To dissolve.
Judith: Auflösen. Auflösen. And the auf splits off.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Paar.
Chuck: Couple, pair or a few.
Judith: Paar. Paar.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Taschentuch.
Chuck: Tissue.
Judith: Taschentuch. Taschentuch. Das Taschentuch and the plural is Taschentücher.
Chuck: Next
Judith: War.
Chuck: Was.
Judith: War. War.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Zusammen.
Chuck: Together.
Judith: Zusammen. Zusammen.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Dazu.
Chuck: With that.
Judith: Dazu. Dazu.
Chuck: Next
Judith: Zurück.
Chuck: Back.
Judith: Zurück. Zurück.
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word we want to look at is Schmerz. It’s almost always used in the plural Schmerzen. It’s a really handy word. Just attach it to any word for body part like Halsschmerzen and Kopfschmerzen and Bauchschmerzen. So you can talk about all kinds of pain.
Chuck: Sounds like fun. What’s the next point?
Judith: Actually there is only one more and it’s wars das?
Chuck: Was that all?
Judith: You see this is actually war es das? but the wars, the E and S is just dropped. So es becomes just s. Wars. War es. Wars das?

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson are verb prefixes. One interesting aspect of German are all those prefixes that you can put in front of verbs.
Judith: They each add a particular meaning to the verbs. For example, we’ve seen fahren.
Chuck: To go.
Judith: And abfahren.
Chuck: To depart.
Judith: Kommen.
Chuck: To come.
Judith: And ankommen.
Chuck: To arrive.
Judith: And others like that.
Chuck: Let’s have a quick overview of the most important prefixes.
Judith: Well first there is mit. Mit can usually be translated as along. It means that someone is joining in on an activity. For example, mitkommen.
Chuck: To come along.
Judith: Or mitgehen.
Chuck: To go along.
Judith: Then there is weg. Weg can usually be translated as away. For example, weggehen.
Chuck: To go away
Judith: And wegfahren.
Chuck: To drive away.
Judith: Or weggucken.
Chuck: To look away.
Judith: Ein implies in or into like einnehmen.
Chuck: Literally to take in but it’s mostly used for taking medicine.
Judith: Or einfahren.
Chuck: To drive in.
Judith: Einreisen.
Chuck: To enter a country.
Judith: Yeah literally travel in and einwerfen.
Chuck: To throw in like a letter in the mailbox. Is that also used in soccer?
Judith: Yeah Einwurf. That’s a noun but it’s used.
Chuck: Nice.
Judith: And there is an which means towards a place or even hitting a place like anfahren.
Chuck: To hit with a car.
Judith: Yeah and anschreiben.
Chuck: To write to someone.
Judith: And angucken.
Chuck: To look at something.
Judith: There are a whole lot of prefixes but there is one more that’s really essential and that’s zurück. We’ve seen this as an adverb in this lesson and it can also be used as a prefix. For example, zurückfahren.
Chuck: To drive back.
Judith: Zurückgehen.
Chuck: To go back.
Judith: Zurücknehmen.
Chuck: To take back.
Judith: And zurückschreiben.
Chuck: To write back. There are lots and lots more but I have to stop Judith now because we are running out of time.
Judith: Yeah if you are really interested in this topic, you should check out our advanced focus series. Each lesson of the advanced focus series deals in depth with just one prefix at a time.


Chuck: Well that just about does it for today. Okay some of our listeners already know the most powerful tool on germanpod101.com.
Judith: Line by line audio.
Chuck: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Judith: By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Chuck: And listen until every word and syllable becomes clear.
Judith: Listen to the dialogue in bite size sentences.
Chuck: And understand it all.
Judith: Try the line by line audio at germanpod101.com.
Chuck: So see you next week.
Judith: Also, bis nächste Woche.

