
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here, intermediate season 3 lesson 19. Reading the newspaper. Hello and welcome to germanpod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German.
Judith: I’m Judith and thanks again for being here with us for this intermediate series season three lesson.
Chuck: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about crime in German.
Judith: This conversation takes place at a big German company’s office.
Chuck: The conversation is between Mr. Jones and Mrs. Bayer.
Judith: The speakers are colleagues, therefore they’ll be speaking formal German.
Chuck: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jones: Frau Bayer, darf ich Ihre Zeitung lesen?
Bayer: Ja, natürlich. Haben Sie noch keine Zeitung abonniert?
Jones: Doch schon. Aber gestern und heute lag keine Zeitung in meinem Briefkasten.
Bayer: Oh! Sind die Zeitungen aus dem Briefkasten geklaut worden?
Jones: Hmm, ich weiß nicht. Daran habe ich noch gar nicht gedacht. Ich bin noch nie beklaut worden…
Bayer: Mein Mann und ich sind schon mal im Urlaub bestohlen worden.
Jones: Oh!
Bayer: Ja, das war sehr ärgerlich. …Haben Sie die Geschichte über den Dieb letzte Woche in der Zeitung gelesen?
Jones: Nein. Was war denn?
Bayer: Ein Dieb ist in ein Haus eingebrochen, aber er ist sehr schnell erwischt worden.
Jones: Wieso das denn?
Bayer: Tja, der Einbrecher war nicht sehr schlau. Er hat zuerst etwas ferngesehen und hat sich etwas zu Essen gemacht.
Jones: Während dem Einbruch??
Bayer: Ja! Und dann hat er seine E-Mails an einem Computer gelesen.
Jones: Oh Gott…Dann ist er sicherlich gleich am Tatort verhaftet worden?
Bayer: Nein, das nicht. Er wurde erst einige Tage später verhaftet.
Jones: Und woher wusste die Polizei, dass er in das Haus eingebrochen hatte?
Bayer: Der Einbrecher hatte sein E-Mail-Postfach nicht geschlossen!
Jones: Was?! Oh Mann… Es gibt wirklich verrückte Geschichten!
Bayer: Ja, und verrückte Menschen!
Jones: Mrs Bayer, may I read your newspaper?
Bayer: Yes, of course. Haven't you subscribed to a newspaper yet?
Jones: Yes I did. But yesterday and today there was no newspaper lying in my mailbox.
Bayer: Oh! Have the newspapers been stolen from your mailbox?
Jones: Hmm, I don't know. I did not think about that. I have never been stolen from...
Bayer: My husband and I have once been stolen from on vacation.
Jones: Oh!
Bayer: Yes, that was very annoying. ... Did you read the story about the thief in the newspaper last week?
Jones: No. What happened?
Bayer: A thief burglarized a house, but he was caught very quickly.
Jones: Why was that?
Bayer: Well, the burglar was not very smart. He first watched some TV and then made himself something to eat.
Jones: During the burglary??
Bayer: Yes! And then he read his e-mails at a computer.
Jones: Oh my God... Then surely he was arrested right at the scene of crime?
Bayer: No, not that. He was only arrested several days later.
Jones: And how did the police know, that he had burglarized that house?
Bayer: The burglar hadn't closed his e-mail inbox!
Jones: What?! Oh man... There really are crazy stories!
Bayer: Yes, and crazy people!
Judith: Alright, I think talking of buglers and thieves and all that, we should be talking about crime in Germany.
Chuck: Alright, so how many newspapers get stolen in Germany?
Judith: Newspaper stealing, I’m sure it happened to everybody at some point. But fortunately the other crimes are less common and generally most areas are safer than in the states. There are no really, really bad neighborhoods. There are no schools where students need to be checked for weapons.
Chuck: There’s much less gun violence and hardly anyone owns one and the same way the number of murders per 100 people is about a fourth of that in the United States.
Judith: Yes, well there are some moderately bad parts of town and places with many drug addicts. Remember that marijuana is not legalized here like it is in the Netherlands but on the other hand drugs are not prosecuted as harshly either.
Chuck: Note that some things considered as crimes in Germany aren’t considered as crimes in the U.S .Like things related to third Reich. For example it’s illegal to deny the holocaust or to wear a swastika or ss runs and it’s illegal to incite hatred amongst a group of people based on their nationalities, skin color or religion.
Judith: Well I don’t think you want to incite any hatred but if you have anything that accidentally show any swastika or ss wounds or whatever, just be careful and don’t bring them to Germany.
Chuck: I guess in the same manner it would be illegal to bring in my Kampf.
Judith: I’m not sure, I believe that it’s just the selling of that book that’s forbidden.
Chuck: Okay. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is
Judith: [abonnieren]
Chuck: To subscribe.
Judith: [abonnieren]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Briefkasten]
Chuck: Mailbox.
Judith: [Briefkasten, der] and the plural is [Briefkästen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [klauen]
Chuck: To steal or wipe something.
Judith: [klauen]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [stehlen]
Chuck: To steal or to thieve.
Judith: [stehlen] and this is a vowel changing verb so we see the form [Er stiehlt, Er stahl, Er hat gestohlen].
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [ärgerlich]
Chuck: Annoying.
Judith: [ärgerlich]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Dieb]
Chuck: Thief.
Judith: [Dieb, der] and the plural is [Diebe]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Einbrecher]
Chuck: Burglar.
Judith: [Einbrecher, der] and the plural is the same.
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [erwischen]
Chuck: To catch someone.
Judith: [erwischen]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [schlau]
Chuck: Smart of clever.
Judith: [schlau]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [fernsehen]
Chuck: To watch TV
Judith: [fernsehen] the forms are [Er sieht fern, Er sah fern, Er hat fern gesehen]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Tatort]
Chuck: Crime scene.
Judith: [Tatort, der] and the plural is [Tatorte]
Chuck: next.
Judith: [verhaften]
Chuck: to arrest.
Judith: [verhaften]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [Postfach]
Chuck: Post office box or inbox.
Judith: [Postfach, das] and plural is [Postfächer]
Chuck: Next.
Judith: [verrückt]
Chuck: Crazy.
Judith: [verrückt]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrase for this lesson.
Judith: The first word is [bestehlen] or [beklauen]
Chuck: To steal something.
Judith: Yes just like we said in the last lesson, the prefix [beschenken, be] doesn’t add anything to the meaning, it just means that you are leaving out the causative object. Otherwise it would be mandatory to say what has been stolen. And that brings me to the next point, what exactly is the difference between [klauen] and [stehlen] but [bestehlen] is more colloquial and you are much more likely to hear it in speech and [stehlen] is more formal. Finally we have a couple of words based on [einbrechen]
Chuck: To burglarize.
Judith: And there’s another word based on it [Der Einbruch]
Chuck: Burglary.
Judith: All of these are related to [der Einbrecher]
Chuck: Burglar.
Judith: So [einbrechen, Einbruch, Einbrecher]

Lesson focus

Chuck: The focus of this lesson is the perfect passive. Okay another installment of the passive voice. Today we shall look at the passive voice for the passive tense. The rule that we found last time still applies. When you want to use any other tense in the passive, you have to pretend that [werden] is the main verb, put down the right tense and then add the past participle form of the real verb.
Judith: So what does this mean for the perfect tense? Let’s look at the sentence [Er hat das Museum gebaut]
Chuck: He’s built a museum.
Judith: First we need to form the perfect tense of the verb [werden]
Chuck: Let me guess, is it [hat geworden]?
Judith: Almost, it’s [ist geworden] because [geworden] is one of those few verbs that use [sein] rather than [haben] to formthe perfect tense. So with [ist geworden] we just need the past participle of the actual verb and the actual verb is [bauen] the past participle is [gebaut] so finally you get [ist gebaut worden]
Chuck: And what’s the complete sentence?
Judith: Here the passive sentence we are looking for is [Das Museum ist gebaut worden] or if you have any other information you need to put it in between the [ist] and the [gebaut] for example [Das Museum ist von ihm gebaut worden]


Chuck: The museum has been built by him. That just about does it for today. Judith, I’d like to share a study tip a listener shared with us.
Judith: You are talking about the student who uses just the conversation tracks to review the lessons.
Chuck: That’s exactly the one I was talking about. A listener of hours listen’s each lesson several times.
Judith: Yes and then afterwards gets the conversation only track from our site.
Chuck: She then listen to them on shuffle again and again. She created her own immersion program using her own germanpod101.com
Judith: This is a great idea, please give it a try and let us know what you think.
Chuck: Okay see you next week.
Judith: [Bis nächste Woche]!

