
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Chuck: Chuck here. Beginner series, Season 2, Lesson #8. Do You Have What it takes?
Judith: Hello everyone. I am Judith and welcome to germanpod101.
Chuck: With us, you will learn how to speak German with fun and effective lessons.
Judith: We also provide you with cultural insights
Chuck: And tips you won’t find in a textbook.
Judith: Here is one tip. Come to Germany as soon as you can. We are enjoying beautiful spring weather.
Chuck: Flight prices are low.
Judith: And you will be able to apply everything that you learned with germanpod101.
Chuck: In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about things you have.
Judith: Once you know the verb [Haben], you will also be able to use a lot of colloquial expressions.
Chuck: Today’s conversation takes place at the hero’s home.
Judith: As before, the conversation is between Maria and her boyfriend.
Chuck: The speakers are friends. Therefore the speakers will be speaking informal German.
Judith: Now before we listen to the conversation, there is one thing you should do.
Chuck: If you don’t already have one
Judith: Stop by germanpod101.com
Chuck: And sign up for your free lifetime account.
Judith: You can sign up in less than 30 seconds.
Chuck: So let’s listen to the conversation.
M: Hast du schon Hunger?
B: Ja. Was kochst du heute?
M: Wir haben noch Suppe von gestern, also koche ich Suppe.
B: Suppe?? Ich habe großen Hunger. Denkst du nicht, dass Suppe zu wenig ist?
M: Vielleicht. Vielleicht ist Suppe zu wenig.
B: Haben wir noch etwas anderes zu essen?
M: Hmm, ich gucke mal.
Judith: Now read slowly.
M: Hast du schon Hunger?
B: Ja. Was kochst du heute?
M: Wir haben noch Suppe von gestern, also koche ich Suppe.
B: Suppe?? Ich habe großen Hunger. Denkst du nicht, dass Suppe zu wenig ist?
M: Vielleicht. Vielleicht ist Suppe zu wenig.
B: Haben wir noch etwas anderes zu essen?
M: Hmm, ich gucke mal.
Judith: Now with the translation.
M: Hast du schon Hunger?
M: Are you hungry yet? [Do you have hunger?]
B: Ja. Was kochst du heute?
B: Yes. What are you cooking today?
M: Wir haben noch Suppe von gestern, also koche ich Suppe.
M: We still have yesterday's soup, so I'm cooking soup.
B: Suppe?? Ich habe großen Hunger. Denkst du nicht, dass Suppe zu wenig ist?
B: Soup?? I am very hunger. [I have big hunger.] Don't you think that soup is too little?
M: Vielleicht. Vielleicht ist Suppe zu wenig.
M: Maybe. Maybe soup is too little.
B: Haben wir noch etwas anderes zu essen?
B: Do we have anything else to eat?
M: Hmm, ich gucke mal.
M: Hmm, I'll have a look.
Judith: Chuck, do you like the way we do soup in Germany?
Chuck: One thing I like is that you generally have bread in the side.
Judith: Yeah I like German bread. That’s one thing you can really be proud of here in Germany.
Chuck: It’s pretty much always buttered with the soup isn’t it?
Judith: Yes. Do you know any other typical German foods?
Chuck: Sausage like, when you get the big sausage on the plate and you have some really spicy mustard on the side.
Judith: Yeah sausages are one of the specialties here and potatoes, you can find it in almost every dish and cabbage.
Chuck: In almost every form.
Judith: Yeah cabbage. All kinds of cabbage like [Sauerkraut], of course, [Rotkohl] I think that’s red kale in English, [Grünkohl] Green kale [Kohlrabi, Rosenkohl it’s Brussels sprouts, I hate those but all the rest, sure]
Chuck: Yeah sometimes I joke that typical German dishes have some kind of meat with sauce on it and then some kind of potatoes and then maybe some pudding or Yogurt for dessert.
Judith: But you’re forgetting the vegetables…
Chuck: Ah yes…
Judith: Almost everything comes with vegetables.
Chuck: Yeah or salad.
Judith: Or you can have a potato salad. There is also [Knödel] dumplings that are made from potatoes but they don’t taste like potatoes at all.
Chuck: Yeah it is actually interesting. We once had a guest come over who didn’t like potatoes at all and he was surprised to find that he liked most of the potato dishes that they have here. I think it’s the way they are spiced with the sauce in them.
Judith: Yeah oh! And there is also potato pancakes [Reibekuchen]
Chuck: Uhoo somewhat similar to Hash browns I would say.
Judith: Of course there are other specialties especially in different regions.
Chuck: But you forgot to mention what you typically eat on [Reibekuchen]
Judith: Apple sauce.
Chuck: Yeah anything else?
Judith: Sugar wheat syrup. That’s also regional specialty. And of course, you mustn’t forget schnitzel. I believe you are a big fan of that.
Chuck: Yeah schnitzel
Judith: That’s a type of breaded meat.
Chuck: And it’s typically eaten with either Bratkartoffeln or fries.
Judith: And then of course, Germany has adopted some foods from the immigrants. I mean first here were the Italians and they brought Pizza and Pasta you can find everywhere and I mean everywhere.
Chuck: Yeah.
Judith: And the Turks brought Doner kebab and the Greeks brought [Gyros]. Those are the three most common types of fast food apart from Hamburgers and fries and alike.
Chuck: And just like you can find in pretty much every other country, there is also Chinese food.
Judith: Yeah. Very common.
Chuck: Pretty readily available.
Judith: But Europeanized.
Chuck: Yeah of course. Alright, enough talk about food. You are making me hungry. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Judith: The first word is [Haben]
Chuck: To have
Judith: [Haben, haben] Next [Hunger]
Chuck: [Hunger]
Judith: Hunger, hunger. Next [Heute]
Chuck: [Today]
Judith: [Heute, heute]. Next [Noch]
Chuck: Still, yet or another.
Judith: [Noch, noch] Next [Suppe]
Chuck: Soup
Judith: [Suppe, Suppe, die Suppe] this is feminine. Next [Groß]
Chuck: Tall or big.
Judith: [Groß, groß] Next [Zu]
Chuck: Too as in too much.
Judith: [Zu, zu] Next [Wenig]
Chuck: Little
Judith: [Wenig, wenig] Next [Vielleicht]
Chuck: Maybe
Judith: [Vielleicht, vielleicht] Next [Anderer]
Chuck: Other or another.
Judith: [Anderer, anderer] Next [Essen]
Chuck: To eat.
Judith: [Essen, essen] Next [Gucken]
Chuck: To look or watch.
Judith: [Gucken, gucken] Next [Mal]
Chuck: Have a, colloquial particle for doing something in a leisurely way.
Judith: [Mal, mal]
Chuck: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Judith: The first word we will look at is [Mal]
Chuck: When you are talking to a German, this word will come out so often in conversation but it’s hard to translate.
Judith: I can’t think of a good translation myself.
Chuck: I think it could be roughly translated as sometime. When you add it to a sentence, you reply that there is no hurry.
Judith: Or that something is done in a leisurely way.
Chuck: Judith, could you give us some example sentences?
Judith: Of course. For example, [Komm mal bitte]
Chuck: Please come when you can.
Judith: [Bitte guck mal wer an der Tür ist]
Chuck: Please have a look who is at the door.
Judith: Or in the sentence, that’s not a request. [Ich bin mal in New York gewesen]
Chuck: I have been to New York some time.
Judith: Alright. Now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Judith: The focus of this lesson is the irregular verb [Haben].
Chuck: To have.
Judith: This verb came up several times in today’s dialogue. For example in [Wir haben noch Suppe von gestern]
Chuck: We still have yesterday’s soup. [Haben] to have is one of the most important German verbs. It’s used not only to talk about possession but also to form other tenses as we shall see later.
Judith: And it’s used in a non literal sense in various expressions such as [Hunger haben]
Chuck: To be hungry.
Judith: [Durst haben]
Chuck: To be thirsty.
Judith: [Zeit haben]
Chuck: To have time.
Judith: And others. Unfortunately [Haben] is an irregular verb. Here are the forms for present tense. [Ich habe]
Chuck: I have
Judith: [Du hast]
Chuck: You have
Judith: [Er hat]
Chuck: He has
Judith: [Wir haben]
Chuck: We have
Judith: [Ihr habt]
Chuck: You have plural
Judith: [Sie haben]
Chuck: They have or you have singular and formal.
Judith: Alright.


Chuck: That just about does it for today. Testing yourself is one of the most effective ways to learn.
Judith: That is why we have three types of quizzes.
Chuck: Vocabulary, grammar and content specific.
Judith: Each quiz targets specific skills.
Chuck: And together these quizzes will help you master several fundamental skills.
Judith: You can find them in the learning center at
Chuck: Germanpod101.com. Practice using the learning center until next week. See you then.
Judith: [Bis dann!]

